Extacy question???


Active Member
Its proven that alcohol dulls the roll... its just like taking ativan before rolling!
As respectable as possible I offer you these tid bits of my opinion.

To ME it magnifies the effects.

Ever notice the warning label on prescription bottles? It says "alcohol may intensify these effects" Why wouldnt it be plausable that it would also do this with MDMA?

I understand that MDMA is an upper and booze is a downer, but MDMA is so much more than just an upper so even tho they should cancell eachother out somewhat,in reality you are way more fucked up if your drunk and rolling than either of them seperatly.

I kinda want to say that we are both right cuz I do know what you mean when you say it dulls it, its just that on the "General fuck up-ness scale", I am waaay more fucked up on that combo than either of them alone.



beer when i'm already coming down works pretty well for me, almost brings me back up a little bit... but i usually end up caving in and dropping another one anyway. i agree it usually dulls the roll a little bit if i'm still buzzed/drunk when i drop another one.


Active Member
Yea i guess what I really mean is being DRUNK and rolling F's you up, but a couple drinks definitly takes the edge off.


Active Member
I must admit the vast majority of times i've been on the 'Mud' or 'Disco Biscuits' was when I was out on the lash with mates. I had one of the trippiest experiences ever whilst combining the two infact. It was post pubm I was off my tits, legs shaking like I was having a fit, but my mind was picturing soaring above the serengeti, seeing the wildebeast migrating and herds of antelope bucking and running from lions skulking in the savannah, mind blowing stuff.

As for the vicks, try running the hot and cold tap in the bathroom, then placing your hands first under the hot, then the cold, then the hot, then the cold..... Guaranteed to bring you up hard :)


Active Member
Idk, I'm just gonna give up on trying to explain it. I cant't put it into words, all I can say is E and booze fuck ME up...lol Nuff' said. I dont even drink anymore so Idk why I'm even carring on about it, lol


Well-Known Member
MDMA is a methamphetamine.
very bad for the brain.
could cause future emotional instability.
depression, anxiety etc.
if you are cool with that, roll on, young rolla.