My avatar is Frank Zappa, I don't really want to talk about it, but yeah...people say I look just like him. I guess I could be your dad, I don't know though. Anyways have you helped your dog express himself? I wonder how many people here have dogs that have trouble expressing themselves.Is that you? You look like a mix between frank zappa and my dad. I didn't know that was you in your avatar the whole time
Some people seem to be a bit uncomfortable and uptight about this and that's why I think I could help out and make it a little less uncomfortable and awkward for them by offering to do it, im thinking about asking people at the dog park if I can express their dogs or maybe even making a sign or shirt to help promote the service, I figure maybe I can just do it right there or better yet maybe they will let me take the dog for awhile so I can do it in the shower, either way when they hear they can get their dogs anal glands expressed for $5 I think they will be really into iti once saw mike rowe on dirty jobs expressing some dogs when he worked with this dog groomer lady one time.. the whole thing seemed a bit odd imvho, and the lady seemed a lil too excited about the whole thing, which kind of ruined any chance i had prior of rubbing one out to it, so i changed the channel..
I was wondering if dogs would like to watch dogs doing it on tv? As big as the adult film industry is for humans and as big as big as the pet industry is I think it could be a huge market, I bet your dog would love to watch some dogs getting freaky on tv while you're out or asleep or whatever, could get some award winning bitches from the West Minster dog show to star in the films, I think it could be huge$5 a pop ehh? is there an added fee if say i were to watch? how about if i were to help?