explosive seeds


A friend gave me a dozen seeds and mentioned they were from a Silver Haze male, and germinated very quickly.
OPPPS ! Using the paper towel method
I took my first look after 30 hours and 3 out of the 6 had the dicot leaves on top of a 3 inch stem. Tiny leaves and long stems. I buried them as deep as possible but they were still 2.5 inches high. So should I take them jiffy pellets and all and put them in my dirt based media now? These stems are up to the top of a 5" deep seed incubator, and are up to the plastic cover (all in 48 hours)
Support ? Plant with the jiffy pellets in media ? or ??
:oops: Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Your friend seems to be a little confused
Seeds don't come from male plants, they come from a female plant that has been pollinated with a males pollen
It sounds like they stretched like crazy due to lack of light
I would re pot them in some dirt covering all of the stem up to about a .5 inch from the first set of leaves
Put a light over them and keep it close without burning to keep them from stretching anymore


Well-Known Member
you can bury them deeper if you want to. Maybe you should check into how far your lights are from your babies if they are stretching.


what type of lights are you using roberoo?
what type of lights are you using roberoo?
Fluorescent Day Glo, I have grown much of my vegetative under these 10 tubes.
Excuse my mistake there, the seed donor told me the seeds were from a Silver Haze plant.
These seeds gained all their length while in the paper towel, it has only been 24 hours since I put them under the tubes.
So, I think that they will have to be planted in the Jiffy Pellets, into the soil I would be planting them into after 10-14 days ?
I didn't know if by burying them, such that, in several cases I'm burying 2 inches of stem, that they will recover.
They have good light and they are about 20 " from the bulbs.

Thanks again ---PS these babies don't have to streach for light now or at any time later when they are switched to HDS.


bud bootlegger
if you bury them, they should do fine.. a lot of people do this to help out a seedling that has stretched quite a bit in its early days.. burying them will help to support the stem some and really shouldn't stunt growth or anything like that..


Well-Known Member
20 inches from the bulbs!!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!
They are going to stretch and fall over
Get that light less than 2 inches away ASAP

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
your description of the seeds as explosive leads me to believe they would be perfect for straight into medium candidates, due to the fact paper towel and all the other labor intense seed germ techniques are for seeds that are hard to germinate ...rob


Well-Known Member
Fluorescent Day Glo, I have grown much of my vegetative under these 10 tubes.
Excuse my mistake there, the seed donor told me the seeds were from a Silver Haze plant.
These seeds gained all their length while in the paper towel, it has only been 24 hours since I put them under the tubes.
So, I think that they will have to be planted in the Jiffy Pellets, into the soil I would be planting them into after 10-14 days ?
I didn't know if by burying them, such that, in several cases I'm burying 2 inches of stem, that they will recover.
They have good light and they are about 20 " from the bulbs.

Thanks again ---PS these babies don't have to streach for light now or at any time later when they are switched to HDS.
Sounds like you have some good quality seeds to have cracked and rooted ( if im understanding you) that fast. get those lights closer . specially cfl's/tubes. they can pretty much be withing 2" from the plant.


exactly what i was thinking. they sound like excellent quality seeds to skip the germ process :hump:
Hey ! Thank you all for your quick and most likely a reprieve on these ambitious plants.
I'm overwhelmed with the speed with which you all helped and Thank You One and ALL.:clap: In several weeks I will give you a win / lose record.
The idea of going right to media never crossed my mind as I had NO idea that they would behave in such an urgent manner.
I have 6 of these seeds left to grow, and will try your advice planting direct to media. It just emphasizes the importance of of knowing what the hell I'm doing, as the last batch of seeds(different parents) I used took 6 days to sprout and were all quite uniform.
From the Frozen Hub of the Inland Waste-lands


you have it all figured out ,i'm out
Errrr Ahhhh Not so fast...... please..
Now that they are all in the vegetative media and buried such that there is about 1.5"
sticking out of that media (they are still in the Jiffy Pellets), do I still need to cover them ? When I took them out of the p. towel, I put them into Jiffy Pellets and then into a gestation box that was only 6" high. The box had a clear lid on it and worked great as those little buggers were stuck tight to the pellets.
I didn't remove them from the pellets one of the pellets broke in 1/2 and the seedling had sprouted root /root hairs such that it was well affixed to that pellet. Anywho, now they are all in pots. So.......Do they still need covered? Do I need to find a box that they will fit in and then cover it with clear plastic ?
Thanks again this should allow me to take off the trainer wheels and get on,under my own power.
You folks are great...:peace:

PS I'm amazed at the speed with which these seeds put out a tap root and once taken out of the towel,and into the Jiffy Pellets, they kept growing like crazy.
This may be the strain from hell or a hell of a strain.


Sounds like you have some good quality seeds to have cracked and rooted ( if im understanding you) that fast. get those lights closer . specially cfl's/tubes. they can pretty much be withing 2" from the plant.
Sounds like you have some good quality seeds to have cracked and rooted ( if im understanding you) that fast. get those lights closer . specially cfl's/tubes. they can pretty much be withing 2" from the plant.
You are correct, they cracked and grew tight into the paper towel in 30 hours.
I wasn't going to check them for another 18 hours but because I knew nothing about them, I checked early and had I not they may have been 6 inches long.
We go to the Saturday Medical Marijuana meetings and at a recent meeting a fellow was handing out packs of a dozen of the: "Silver Haze" seeds.
As I'm down to clone only I wanted to try some new blood. I now wish I knew the fellow. If these plants grow as aggressively throughout their life cycle they should be 'interesting' .
On another note, I just read a very interesting article :
"Marijuana Strain Data Base Which Strains
Are Best For What Illness's & Symptoms"


Note: I don't sell anything nor do I own a site. I do however work with chronic intractable pain patients and have for 11 years. I am often asked what "strain kills pain" and while I believe there is a metabolic factor involved, there may be some commonalities among people in pain such that they can find a strain that is "most beneficial to them."

Roberoo MPH :peace:


Thanks to all --- have moved plants to within 4-8" of light depending on heat. They are doing quite well except 50% were male--
I do have a problem that's got me scratching my head though. Several of the plants have turned yellow--- leaves ALL uniformally turn yellowish.
Grey and brown dry dead spots show up and I have leached, lightly re-fert. after leaching, I know this isn't white powdery mold.
All 15 plants have the same soil, same feeding schedule and fert. components/ratio. 3 of the plants are yellowing--->> all the plant (not top to bottom or inverse
all of the plant is yellowing with brown/grey spots... I have begun leaching ---again.. Anyone have this problem ?

"Never try to grow $1000 plants with $30 worth of lights..."


Just a follow-up to my prediciment, it turned out the all (ALL!) the seeds were male.... all 12 +
They are all now in repose, serving as a source of nitrogen for the ladies.