Experts with bud rot! Need help!


Active Member
I notice the tinest bud rot and finally decided to get a dehumidifier. I got a few buds that have been rotting lately. Like a total of 8 nuggets i chopped away. Not the full cola but just where i catch it starting.Thought ide get away with good air circulation and a little above average RH during flower but I guess not. I'm a mid week 8. Rh is at like 38-45% for the past 2 weeks. So what I'm trying to say is, can but rot still spread after a harvest even with no signs during the chop? Should I keep infected plants with eachother and what not? I truly believed I saved like 2 plants so far from catching them early. Chopped the infected nugget off before any real spreading of disease. She's been real healthy since. Now what can I expect about my harvest? What should I be worried about?


Well-Known Member
Be worried about spreading spores when yountouch infected plants, you can see them "poof" into the air. What I do is, chop the infected area out like you did, but make sure you get ALL the rot, cut backna little into uninfected bud to make sure you get it all, then dab the area with a 5$ bleach/water solution. Works for me

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
When the run is done - sanitize the whole damn op! Spray down every and I do mean EVERY surface in the op with a sanitizing bleach spray.....include all fans, nute bottles, tools EVERYTHING!
You need to kill all those spores that are resting on walls, ceilings, floors, pots and lighting = EVERYTHING!!
Otherwise you will simply keep repeating your problem!


Active Member
What about the drying and curing process? For say I snip off all the infected visible buds and everything looks good. How do I know that the other buds are not gonna rot during these processes. That's what worries me the most.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
What about the drying and curing process? For say I snip off all the infected visible buds and everything looks good. How do I know that the other buds are not gonna rot during these processes. That's what worries me the most.
You should be good with that - monitor it anyway to be sure..
Why worry? Will it make a difference (worrying)?


Well-Known Member
What about the drying and curing process? For say I snip off all the infected visible buds and everything looks good. How do I know that the other buds are not gonna rot during these processes. That's what worries me the most.
Just monitor them, don't let them sit in sealed containers without burping often to replace the air. If you see rot forming, isolate the bud asap. You can even remove the mold from a bud and salvage the rest if you're clever and careful enough. It all comes down to one thing, keeping a close eye on things.


Active Member
That was a good hard 3 months of work. A pretty pricey one as well. Sure wouldn't wanna lose it to bud rot. Thanks guys, appreciate it.