Strain :White Widow
1000w HPS
Air Temp - 75-78*f
Water temp - 70*f
Humidity - 50
Fert - Golden Bloom (currently 1500 PPM) 3 part solution
PH - 5.9
Room - 3' x 4' x 10' in height
These plants are currently (4) weeks into flowering which is where I start to have this issue every time. They grow like gangbusters for the first four weeks and then they seem to stop. These plants were nothing more than 10-12" clones when they were put into this room, and up until 4-5 days ago looked great, but now I'm getting some yellowing and some rusty brown spots along the leaf veins. The pictures say it all. Most of this is the early stage yet as I'm trying to remedy it as soon as possible.
Soon the leaves will get get rustier, brown and brittle, and as usual I'll end up with about 10 oz's, but something isn't right and if I can just figure it out I'm sure I can double that. The buds always look good and resinous, but they're never as large, full and tight as they should be.
The only thing I haven't changed yet is the watering system. All previous grows have been done with the water pumping 24/7, but this time I changed it to 30 min on and 30 min off during the light cycle. They get just one or two 30 min cycles during lights off. There is no medium inside the tubes. Despite the nutes in the photos The only thing I really use in these photos is the ZONE and to my knowledge I've never had any root rot issues despite the very wet environment.
The air pump in between the two tubes is attached to some tubular aerators, not stones, that aerate the water as it passes over during the watering cycle. These run 24/7 as I thought continuously pumping air into the tubes would help offset the wet environment. The water never gets more than about an inch deep and drains almost completely. I've also had the exact same issues when using air stones in the reservoirs, so I think those are not likely the issue. I've also ran this system with deeper water in the tubes, but deep or shallow doesn't seem to make a difference.
In the photos you'll see the room and the various stages of this "deficiency", the photos run in sequence tops first and then the bottoms.
I've even been changing the water and nutes every (5-7) days and like I said, in just the last couple of days the spots started showing. Up until a few days ago the leaves were reaching for the lights, but as you can see they are now starting to curve downward, have lost their luster and suppleness and just along their serated edge start turning up, where as before they we nice and flat.
I haven't seen anything exactly like this in all my research, but it most likely resembles a magnesium deficiency, but I've even been adding a half strength mixture of Cal-Mag this time and I'm still having the same problem.
So all I'm left with is the root environment. This system is accessible enough that I could still fill or partially fill the tubes with Hydroton and cut the watering to just two or three a day. At this point however, I'm just throwing my hands up in the air and screaming WTF!
Thanks for your suggestions in advance.