Expert Advice Needed w/ Earth Juice Organic Nutrients Recipe


^How do you figure?

Question, I know you're suppose to start using Bloom and add it little by little throughout the flowering phase, but how much is a good starter? 1 tablespoon?Or is that even to much to start? The thing is I'm only using EJ Grow and Bloom throughout the whole grow, next grow I'll do the whole line. Someone with actual experience please help, first grow and I don't wanna fuck up.
You can start by using a half tablespoon to a tablespoon per tbsp of Grow.


Well-Known Member
I've got it brewing in 3 gallon batches, so half tablespoon-tablespoon to the gallon right? I put 1 tablespoon for the whole 3 gallon the first flower feed just to make sure I don't go overboard since idk the grow/bloom ratio, so the jump from 1tbs/3gall to 1tbs/1gallon wont hurt it right?