Expert Advice Greatly Needed - Please


Here's updated pictures of my two bagseed babies. My first grow. I'm growing these with natural light. They have been on 12/12 for 3 1/2 weeks now. Getting BIG!

I was hoping to get some expert views on these. I have no idea what they should be looking like this far. I think they are sweet :) and I haven't killed them yet. But the flowering seems slooow. Any estimates on how long they absolutely need to flower?

Am I doing this right? I'm giving them a little molasses diluted in their water.

Help! Thanks and your replies are really appreciated. LOVE this site.



Well-Known Member
nice job for your first grow, they look sativa dominant, so give them at least 9-10 weeks to flower. they will really start to bulk up after 6-7 weeks. Look for amber trichomes that's when you know its time to harvest. You have a pretty decent camera you should be able to see them if you look real close. i'm no expert but i have a couple grows under my belt. are you using black strap molasses?


Sector 5 Moderator
Very healthy looking plant you've got there! It looks right on track for 3.5 weeks into flower. The buds are slow to start then really pack on the weight near the end. I *know* what you mean when you say "I haven't killed them yet"; a few of mine have survived my stupidity too. I would say another 6 weeks and you'll be chopping her.


Well-Known Member
If the weather is realy hot then i would recomend watering at least twice a week,Because most of the feed added will be evaperated by the sun.If the natural light goes on 12/12 or if you are moveing them inside i would recomend if you can putting them somewhere realy black out.But plants are looking well get the plants on full strenth nutrients this will make the plant give you the best yeild possible.The leaves pointing up in some of the photo's means that the heat must be realy hot.Don't worry about the bud formation so far because it will all happen at once some of the internodes will start to join soon.


Thanks for the replies :-P . I'm using Grandma's unsulphered molasses - couple tsp per gallon. Don't think I've ever seen Blackstrap? I was watering 1x a week, and I noticed with the heat this week they do need it more.

They stay inside by windows all day and I always have fans giving them air. I put them in complete darkness at night with a 6$ battery op. fan I got - circulates air great.

They've been in MG since the start (I know :shock:) - I haven't given them a great amount of nutes, so I'm a little nervous about that right now. What do you suggest for nutes?

Really relieved they look good - never sure cause I don't know what I'm actually growing.

Thanks again and if it wasn't for studying and reading this site - I might not have them. You guys rock on here - thank you.

Next time I'm doing it with lights and all :) :leaf: Peace