Experinced grower killed my plants


Active Member
I let an experienced grower come and help me with my first crop. All was well during vegging. The plants were looking healthy and strong. 2 weeks into flowering I had to go out of town.

I left the experienced grower at my home to watch my plants. When I left there were no problems, no bugs, no dying everything was green and healthy.

When I returned most of my leaves were burned up. I also had a fresh batch of spider mites. I purchased two bombs and I believe I killed the mites. I also used the recommended spray.

Now that I am back the experienced grower seems to busy to come by, he won't show up and will only give advice over the phone. It seems to me that my plants are dying if not dead already. We flushed the plants with fresh water for 2 days balancing the ph regularly. I have pics. I was wondering if some one could help. Every time I talk to the grower he tells me 2 more weeks 2 more weeks a lot of my leaves are dying if not dead. on some plants the bud is still healthy but on at the top

Some of my leaves are turing brown and curling but the bud seems to be ok. Others the leaves are turing brown and curling but the bud is drying out and dying ( only at the top of my plants)

we started with 48 plants and lost 4 plants.
WE are growing Hindu cush, and sheba shunk.
We are using Sensi bloom part a and b
beasty bloom, open sesame, we are also using cha-ching but we have not use it yet

during vegging and early flowering we keep ph at 6.1-6.2 at advice of my experience grower. we also adding open sesame

currently under our supervision we now keep the ph at 5.8

every 4 days, when we refilled the resivor, the ppm were increase 50-100 under supervision of my so called experineced grower

after the flush we starting keeping our plants at ppms 740.
the girls are dying
Please Help!!!!



Active Member
Holy shit man. Your buddy messed up your grow.
I'd be pissed. Nothing worse than a know-it-all.
My condolences


hi it looks like ph has been fuked up and or maybe heat problems or heat stress.sounds like he is abit of the defensive not doing a face to face.i would say fuk his experience he may be abit jealous of what you have done and just tried to stick it to you.

is there a 50/50 split grow with you and him

also that ppm million is way low compared to how i grow my plants also how long have than been on flower and do you know your strains flowering cycle if so go off that


Well-Known Member
I cant enlarge pics posted on riu,my computer wont let me so all i can really see is a small thumbnail,let me ask you this,how far along into budding are the plants,from what i can see they look like they are atleast 6 weeks into heavy budding,if so the dying leaves you are experiencing would be a normal circumstance of the plant reaching the end of it's life cycle & there would be no reason to panic.

Again,if those plants are along way into budding leaves die & the plants will wither away to some extent & that is normal.