That would be a very bad idea... if you want to try it, by all means give us a full report on how it turns out - I do not, however, think you will like the result(s) of said test should you get daring enough to try it.
Boy you sure know how to start a thread. I'm going to have to put out a no on this, I would only be going off of what I have read in sidebar posts in threads.. and of course Jorge Cervantes grow bible.. " Research has proven that less than twelve hours photoperiod will not induce flowering faster and will reduce yield. " something like that.. Now I think they are refering to reducing the 12 hr period. But if you are proposing 4 0n 4 off, its still the same as 12/12 just broken up. The plant will grow most effiecintly as if the sun were its light source. I am not trying to be a smart ass but we don't turn the sun on and off right?
Growers have been growing with timers and lights for a long time and I am sure it has been tried. I personally have not tried the 8/16. Most all references I have read will give a minus 1 or two hours of light, from 12.. going as few as ten hours of light. I tried this for the very last week once, does it help? I don't think it does anything either way. might save a few pennies on the electric bill. Give it a try but I am going with Cervantes on this one..and probably 90 percent of the rest of the growers on here.
I think the 8/16 is more viable than the 4/4. Would I do it? still no.
and since I Have the book out, it says even tapering the lights off just makes the plant take longer to mature. Whatever you do, stick with it throughout or you will could stress your plants. except the 4/4 it will not work.
Thx for the incite on that, yet I have never done it. Throughout veggie stage I do run a differ light pattern but it shows nice results 12 light 4 dark 20light 4dark 12 light and so on. It keeps me on cycle with my fems who are in flower under your normal 12/12