Experiment: Keeping clones in fridge for over 60 days..


Rebel From The North
So lets say i had a clone only strain and i wanted to send it to a family member out of state i could just vacume seal
It and send and it should make it ok?


Active Member
In water: DSC08254.jpgDSC08255.jpgDSC08258.jpgDSC08259.jpg

Not in water: DSC08256.jpgDSC08257.jpgDSC08260.jpgDSC08261.jpgDSC08262.jpgDSC08263.jpg

Vacuum Sealed: DSC08252.jpg

Observation: The ones in water continue to look worse. Green is leaving the leaves, stems. Turning purpleish. No mold on the remaining 2 jars. However the jars with only my breath exhaled into it every 2-4 days and no water, are still green. They dont look as firm as when they where cut originially. They look more limp.


Active Member
the ultimate test will be wich ones actually root when all said and done
Yea Im nervous. If this works at 60 days Im sure people can further refine it. Could be huge for people with limits on plants to just store their clones until next grow.


Well-Known Member
Yea Im nervous. If this works at 60 days Im sure people can further refine it. Could be huge for people with limits on plants to just store their clones until next grow.
yeah i hear ya, you got a good clone setup?

gonna be tough to clone these fuckers, i wish you the best of luck but some of em are looking rotted (with all due respect :) )


Well-Known Member
Hey dude..
I use Jiffy pellet for get clones its good work for me and easy to keep the base wet ....
I interesting in your way 2
Best wishes


Active Member
The ones in water have degraded while the ones with no water look a little tired but I would say they rank as Good.


Active Member
Update. So we are at a month and one week. ALL clones that where in the jars with half inch water developed mold. They are now removed. We only have jars with no water. So at each opening about every 3 days, I blow my breath into the jars after I open them.

Vacuum Sealed: DSC08275.jpg

No water in Jars: DSC08277.jpgDSC08278.jpgDSC08279.jpgDSC08280.jpgDSC08281.jpg

Observation: I dont really see much change from last week. I would say no color change. No mold. Just droopy and not firm and crisp anymore. Im tempted to plant a couple to see if it would root at this stage. 1.25 months but, I rather wait 60 days.


Well-Known Member
i say wait, all or nothing right, the experiment is 60 days. but thats up to you, if it dosent ruin your experiment then no harm in trying.

you going to want at least 2-3 viable plants to try and clone after 60 days, just having 1-2 may greatly reduce your chances of getting one to take root


Active Member
i say wait, all or nothing right, the experiment is 60 days. but thats up to you, if it dosent ruin your experiment then no harm in trying.

you going to want at least 2-3 viable plants to try and clone after 60 days, just having 1-2 may greatly reduce your chances of getting one to take root
ok I will wait :)


Well-Known Member
m not sure how I havent seen this thread before. Frikn awesome test dude. Excellent work keeping up with updates also, most people tend to space it.

Anyway, great job. deff a rep bump worthy material....

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
+ rep, subbed

I'm full of anticipation for this one.

If you can, is it possible to keep one cut going longer than 60 days? I will be full of questions of how much longer this could have gone if the 60 days cutting roots...maybe a 90 day cutting?
