Experiment going bad...


Active Member
Hey guys,

2 x DWC 5 gallon buckets, RO water w/ lucas formula, ph 5.9, started blooming 2 weeks ago in green house with natural lighting. Temps average 75f and humidity averages 40%. They were started in April as an experiment. They are approx 14 ft. tall. One is totally healthy and one is yellowing (see pics) They are two different strains. I just increased the air pump size to get more air to the roots. also started using SM-90 in the reservoir to help with nute uptake. Could it be that the one plant is more sensitive to nutrients? Some type of bug? Hope I can limp this poor guy across the finish line in 1.5 mos.



Active Member
Thanks for the idea.. bet you are 100% right. ordering up some sledgehammer.. in the mean time drained the res and filled it with ro water/h202 mix.. was gonna let the roots soak for a few hours then rinse with pure water for a day. its super hard to check the roots in this set up as the plants are too big to lift at this point .. but you can peek in and what little you can see looks healthy..