Experienced Organic Grower to Answer Your Questions

My apologies if I have come off arrogant or misinformed or have disappeared. Been super busy. Maybe I should of given the thread a little more time but life has been crazy!

I have decided to discontinue using this username. After speaking with my brother, he has informed me RIU has gone like this for a while and why he decided to not post anymore. I understand RIU much better now.

Thank you Rasta Roy for being so cordial! I invite you to come to Mass sometime! If so, I would love to show you around!

Also, thank you to those here who decided to jump off the thread and private message me. It has been enjoyable helping you and will continue to do so via email.
Sad to see you leave! The site is a great resource to many, not hard to ignore the ones who rub you the wrong way :P
Sad to see you leave! The site is a great resource to many, not hard to ignore the ones who rub you the wrong way :P
I admit I am discouraged. As an educator myself, I see a lot of people who think of themselves as educators but in reality they create an atmosphere of fear. When people are trying to learn a new topic (especially this one), it is scary and beginners have tons of questions and are typically afraid to ask what they need to know. When you have educated people chastising beginners, the beginners tend to hide and therefore do not get the education they need.

It is sad to see that some knowledgeable people on here used this thread to attack me instead of helping those who have came here to genuinely look for help. This is the problem of the RIU community as expressed by my brother. I guess I will have to continue on in my other online communities that support a more helpful and positive ethos.

I am glad that the people who care to my thread have sought me out privately so they do not have to be dealing with the RIU BS...
It is sad to see that some knowledgeable people on here used this thread to attack me instead of helping those who have came here to genuinely look for help. This is the problem of the RIU community as expressed by my brother. I guess I will have to continue on in my other online communities that support a more helpful and positive ethos.

If you want/ed to help people, why not start an account in your own name and give beginners advice starting in the infirmary? Personally I find the inflated egos/inflated ego marketing that has become the norm in the cannabis community to be one of the biggest detriment to progress.
good intentions but really poor implication starting with another's acct here on RIU ,
that blew your credibility right off .
but You will be missed as I like to ask questions & discussion that come from them
I'm here to learn & most of the guys you say attacked you are stand up guys some are ruff around the edges but
no one pushing a sales agenda slated towards products . I like that
good intentions but really poor implication starting with another's acct here on RIU ,
that blew your credibility right off .
but You will be missed as I like to ask questions & discussion that come from them
I'm here to learn & most of the guys you say attacked you are stand up guys some are ruff around the edges but
no one pushing a sales agenda slated towards products . I like that
sadly I do agree, and feel somewhat responsible.
but my actions were justifiable in my mind.
but, one thing to consider...
people with thin-skins probably do better elsewhere.

magazine editors must not have to deal with much adversity..

My bad for chasing him off, but I stand by everything I said. I feel my questions were warranted and reasonable.
@greasemonkeymann i peeked at my compost pile & under the tarp are some fruiting mushies evenly across the top coming out from under the leaves :rolleyes:
almost look like the blue ones but I know better o_O
gotta love those man!
after the rains here in the forest there are hundreds of massive mushrooms, like as big as my head
I like to pluck em up, throw em in the pile and they melt in like a day or two
wood chip piles are good spots to see them bust out, especially after a rain

from what I understand the mushrooms are more prolific in fungal oriented piles, the smaller shredded-leaf piles tend to compost quicker but are more bacterial, since my wormbin is almost pure bacterial I like to try and get my compost more fungal oriented, but it's hard...
last yrs compost is in a bigass smart pot, and it's pure compost, but there is so many worms in it it's essentially just a ginormous wormbin now.
could be worse...
it's to the point where I feed them slopped-fruits along with my wormbin now, probably three times the worms in the compost than my wormbin
sadly I do agree, and feel somewhat responsible.
but my actions were justifiable in my mind.
but, one thing to consider...
people with thin-skins probably do better elsewhere.

magazine editors must not have to deal with much adversity..

My bad for chasing him off, but I stand by everything I said. I feel my questions were warranted and reasonable.

Honestly while I think you came across as a little aggressive and almost "condescending" for LACK of a better word. That being said I think your questions and comments were warranted, a lot of people come on here to teach with great intentions and end up spreading false information. I like to read threads of varied opinions and defense on both points, this ended up being you questioning and the random guy who took over an account who then peaced out instead of answering. I get that people do not want conflict in a learning environment but passionate people will defend their point of view and hope that others defend theirs, some just can't handle a passionate discussion xD
Honestly while I think you came across as a little aggressive and almost "condescending" for LACK of a better word. That being said I think your questions and comments were warranted, a lot of people come on here to teach with great intentions and end up spreading false information. I like to read threads of varied opinions and defense on both points, this ended up being you questioning and the random guy who took over an account who then peaced out instead of answering. I get that people do not want conflict in a learning environment but passionate people will defend their point of view and hope that others defend theirs, some just can't handle a passionate discussion xD
yea, I tend to come off as that way sometimes, albeit unintentional.
I just cannot stand by and have people spread misinformation, and although he actually grows with great understanding and knowledge you can't mention "layering" and "merits" in the same sentence and NOT have me run with that..
and patronizing me with "appeasing me" or "shaking me off" isn't wise as I tend to be a lil more confrontational when I know that i'm factually correct.
I've been called arrogant, I've been called condescending...
and it probably won't be the last time, but I take pride in trying to spread factual information here
I take pride in helping others realize the allure of organics and composting.
I'm not here for any other reason past that.
Well I take that back, i'm also here to socialize with my fellow buddies too
from what I understand the mushrooms are more prolific in fungal oriented piles, the smaller shredded-leaf piles tend to compost quicker but are more bacterial, since my wormbin is almost pure bacterial I like to try and get my compost more fungal oriented, but it's hard...
It was hot for a few days Too hot to put my hand in but 5 days ago I fluffed it with a pitchfork(poured a solution of agave sugar I was throwing out) in as it seemed too dry & seen a huge amount of white fiber covering everything

& since then it's shrunk 1/2 it's size
has fruiting mushrooms , something good is happening as it had a real springtime earthy smell
It was hot for a few days Too hot to put my hand in but 5 days ago I fluffed it with a pitchfork(poured a solution of agave sugar I was throwing out) in as it seemed too dry & seen a huge amount of white fiber covering everything

& since then it's shrunk 1/2 it's size
has fruiting mushrooms , something good is happening as it had a real springtime earthy smell
yea that white fibrish stuff is mycelium!
a SURE sign that you have a nice fungal pile going
I get almost more of a kick from doing a good compost pile than growing herb