Experienced Organic Grower to Answer Your Questions

Okay. So I've used soil for this run. And I'm curious about coco, perlite for my next run. Is it still organics if I'm going to continue with the bokashi and fish + kelp emulsion feeding with the coco mix?

Or is that considered hydro?

Kind of Living Organics? hydro style organics! Nuga, what size u gonna do!? I'd be excited to see the gravies express flavour here, never before seen regime. I'm not poking fun, I been contemplating this for a start up recipe (/emergency consult)

I did that with extraction type teas with LAB/enzimes & a host of flours ,kelp,alfalfa , grd fish did some EWC teas alternating between them
it's a lotta work mixing powders everyday (everything was a powder/meal & organic)
Killer tasting smoke on every plant

Maybe pre mix different combos? One time, or make a compost pile, amended, one time ;). Then you'll be laughing and enjoying crazy bio-diversity

I don't like being associated with hyroot because of his or hers personal opinions...but that's another story for another forum lol.

@sunni totally understand where you're coming from. And super appreciate you for volunteering your time into making sure we have this great place where we can come to share and learn information! One thousand thank yous!

Lol sorry bud dont mean to associate u with him, think of it as with me..y'all have helped me one way or another, where some may have inspired me to be a better person, like you, Vinny,@hyroot has helped me become a better gardener and unorthodox thinker, he's helped Dp and Stow too, so i cant hate him, and my soil recipe has gone outta this world since then, and now we pull pink trichs every plant, (other factors involved) and since then we have started consulting, got an edibles brand launching, and a Seedbank popping off.. Man I swear I was just about to be stuck in a plateau when a post of his helped revamp my soil theories.. I'm grateful to all of you even Pat who's almost made me wanna slap him. Lol
At the end of the day y'all make me better.. Sorry dawg, but its true!

you log on suddenly, you have 52 posts, from over a thousand, you lost all your likes, you lost user privileges from the forum and have to rebuild them , you can no longer PM people or like content, you cant go into your grow journal area.
im sorry but i work here as a volunteer im not going to read every single of the 84 THOUSAND posts in that subforum and cherry pick what i deem "worthy" to stay in addition to that even if i did do that do you know the amount of holes in posts the whole thing would become illegible , i have a real job,

hey, i know everyone has family and whatnot, and I didn't know you volunteer. That's def cool of you.

I suppose i don't say save the best posts anymore, or delete, lets let that go, i dont want to undermine a colossal task by any means either.
You guys probably have your hands full as hell.
Maybe one day, a smaller, better guide could be placed above it, one day, jus maybe..
Step 1 build a worm farm, top ten designs from riu members are:
step 2: build a compost / start a pile: basics and more
step 3: amendments 101
Step 4: no no's in organics
Step 5: ultimate amendments
Step 6: sips and DIY LEDs
Step 7: strain /seed sources by country that company is in

But it's all good. Creating more consulting work for guys like me, whether paid or not, is helping me stay sharp and be a better gardener.

So in that case, thanks!
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Kind of Living Organics? hydro style organics! Nuga, what size u gonna do!? I'd be excited to see the gravies express flavour here, never before seen regime. I'm not poking fun, I been contemplating this for a start up recipe (/emergency consult)

Maybe pre mix different combos? One time, or make a compost pile, amended, one time ;). Then you'll be laughing and enjoying crazy bio-diversity

Lol sorry bud y'all have helped me one way or another, where some may have inspired me to be a better person, @hyroot has helped me become a better gardener and unorthodox thinker, he's helped Dp and Stow too, so i cant hate him, and my soil recipe has gone outta this world since then, and now i pull pink trichs every plant, and since then I've started consulting, got an edibles brand launching, and a Seedbank popping off.. Imwas just about to be stuck in a plateau when a post of his helped revamp my soil theories.. I'm grateful to all of you even Pat who's almost made me wanna slap him. Lol
At the end of the day y'all make me better.. Sorry dawg!

hey, i know everyone has family and whatnot, and I didn't know you volunteer. That's def cool of you.

I suppose i don't say save the best posts anymore, or delete, lets let that go, i dont want to undermine a colossal task by any means either.
You guys probably have your hands full as hell.
Maybe one day, a smaller, better guide could be placed above it, one day, jus maybe..
Step 1 build a worm farm, top ten designs from riu members are:
step 2: build a compost / start a pile: basics and more
step 3: amendments 101
Step 4: no no's in organics
Step 5: ultimate amendments
Step 6: sips and DIY LEDs
Step 7: strain /seed sources by country that company is in

But it's all good. Creating more consulting work for guys like me, whether paid or not, is helping me stay sharp and be a better gardener.

So in that case, thanks!
No worries dude! It takes all kinds to make the world spin. We had our disagreement over nonweed related topics, I can't doubt a good garden over that!
100% agree
@sunni excuse me miss, but why have subs misinformation being the main sticky and gateway for newbs into organics when its giving the organic path a bad name.. There are many way better growers than sub that we could exemplify and make bold choices and guides from. I'm sure the big boys on here would be happy to cooperate and rewrite the big intro to organic soil guide, especially if we got to put our name up there !!!

Grease Hyroot DP DB Vnsmkr RastaRoy MistaRasta myself Chronikool and many more, like Stow etc, all probably better sources of info than Subcool. I think it would be really good for those switching over if they had a simpler, sounder guide.

It's like Rev teaching new ppl about 15 spikes and layers, he's just in so deep he doesn't know how crazy he is and how his old habits are coming into play.

We should get a guide written by someone who has learned organics their whole life, not from someone trying to learn it themselves (the blind leading the blind)

Thanks for your considering, Sunny
Much respect
Ha thanks for bringing this up, indeed, the organic forum could really use an update!

I totally understand that we can't delete the subcool subforum. But personally I think it's not really a problem actually. Seeing the AGE of the things alone, any intelligent person can deduce they're likely dealing with outdated stuff. It IS a normal part of acquiring information of the web to check whether it's legit... and that lies in the responsibility of each individual.

Having up-to-date threads stickied in the main forum would help greatly in getting newcomers to learn state-of-the-art AND not have to wade through years old threads in which things that are givens today are still being experimented with. As cool as it is to see how those guys painstakingly figured stuff out!

Maybe one day, a smaller, better guide could be placed above it, one day, jus maybe..
Step 1 build a worm farm, top ten designs from riu members are:
step 2: build a compost / start a pile: basics and more
step 3: amendments 101
Step 4: no no's in organics
Step 5: ultimate amendments
Step 6: sips and DIY LEDs
Step 7: strain /seed sources by country that company is in
Yeah somewhere along those lines, though it needs some structuring but still shouldn't be TOO fragmented (everything is connected.. haha)
AND the best: we already have a part of those contents!! :D

So my suggestion as per immediately doable without technical problems is:
  • subs supersoil https://www.rollitup.org/t/subs-supersoil.539844/
  • AACT, Bloom Tea, Veg Tea, Fungal Tea, Myco Tea, recipes from the outdoor guys. https://www.rollitup.org/t/aact-blo...yco-tea-recipes-from-the-outdoor-guys.516845/
    for just being soo old! RastaRoy did a really excellent differentiation between microbial and nutrient teas (in his Introductory guide) that prevents mixups from the get-go. Ideally we should have a new thread starting from that principle and then going on to explain processes and application. But for starts we should stop suggesting people need to follow the development of tea brewing since 2012 before they can make their own! lol (which is what a sticky suggests: "THIS is the most pertinent thread you'll find in here on this topic").
CREATE a Soil Amendments subforum
Just my 2 structural cents, would be great if you could achieve this!
Not to start drama, but people like Hyroot are why people like me stay away from the organic section, and are the ones truly giving it a bad name. You say Sub has bad info and then suggest replacing it with info from someone who repeatedly pushes ideas like "potassium is a sugar"? Doesn't really seem like an improvement to me. (I apologize to the other people you named, who may not share in the dissemination of misinformation that Hyroot partakes in, for any offence they may have accrued by association to him)
yeah we tend to end up building barriers. And its also true by challenging hyroot's preach you'd never arrive to youtube or hippy bloggers
people send years on here building up posts, posting useful information what right do i have to wipe it away because you don't want the sub cool sub forum, that isnt fair
and comparing it to holding back the movement is unfair and is apples to oranges quite frankly.
after years of bashing... subcool returned to the city as a gentleman. My 2 cents

Okay. So I've used soil for this run. And I'm curious about coco, perlite for my next run. Is it still organics if I'm going to continue with the bokashi and fish + kelp emulsion feeding with the coco mix?

Or is that considered hydro?

fkton vegan to be true? . FVT Eureka!!
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I did that with extraction type teas with LAB/enzimes & a host of flours ,kelp,alfalfa , grd fish did some EWC teas alternating between them
it's a lotta work mixing powders everyday (everything was a powder/meal & organic)
Killer tasting smoke on every plant
Got a link?
Why dont YOU guys collab a thread worthy mutany on the existing. Let it take over naturally. It certainly will if it it's organized and easy to read. Not like today's versions of you guys's threads containing a bazillion pages of questions and small talk before another tek. That's why i like books and or not GAF and just experimenting. But i dont like the word medicine in my vocabulary. So, i feel as though all of this should ne in the gardening section anyway. The science all points towards soil health over nutrient abundancy.

Definitely a neglected section, gardening isyoda-the-empire-strikes-back.jpg
I was just trying to see and understand why you'd recommend it to anyone, being someone with more of a "voice" on it (as a magazine editor)
It's almost to where i'd say you have a "duty" to be as educated and informed on what exactly is going on in an organic soil
and to share that with the people that are too lazy to research it on their own
You feel me?
And again i'm not knocking you man, I want you to understand and share the knowledge
I do not feel put down at all! Not knowing what I do or how I do it, it may behoove you to ask me more pertinent questions, as I do not understand your prognosis on 'layering' (your definition may be different than mine).

Honestly, I never heard of layering until you mentioned it.

What I do for my 'black thumbs' is give them a completely balanced soil blend that I make on my own. I then put that in an air pot and put a top soil layer of my homemade EWC and wood chip mulch that I make on my own.

In my experience, it is a fantastic way to help people that do not have experience growing. Their finished plants look quite good and they all are very happy.
Thank you I'll get some pro mix but for now I'll just do a 75% ffof and 25% coco. That should be fine right? Because if my seeds were barely burnt with straight ffof then taking it back to 75% and 25% should be fine right?
It is worth a shot. There are many more factors, however based on what you said, through your experience, I would give that a shot.