Need help! Hi guys I am experienced grower but not ashamed to say here in the tropics I am a rookie especially when it comes to ID'ing humidity and pest related issues. I'm growing outdoors on my balcony in the jungle in Central America so insects are always present and I have had to just accept that, I'll usually find a mantis or green lacewing cleaning up for me in the mornings so the natural cycle has been moving along with no major issues. Through veg I hit the plants regularly with the only product my grow shop stocks Azamax, rotating that weekly with diluted home made vinegars and LAB's. Every thing was on track and I am now in week 4 of flower... These are potential issues to the problem I am about to explain:

(1)Last week I noticed one of the bamboo blinds on my balcony that I use to block out light during the night was starting to get black dusty mold on it so I threw it out but there's a good chance the spores landed on the plants before hand.
(2)We just finished the wettest wet season that I've experienced and during it insects and pests are almost non existent but once the rain stops as it did this week all the eggs hatch and my plants got hammered. Under my scope which is not the best I see no moving insects only what could be a few dead white flies but there is lots of bite marks and leaf damage plus the brown/black spots.
So on top of that here's my main issue/s 2 days ago I noticed little amounts of what looked like a fine blackish or brown dirt on my fan leaves mostly on the tips. I live in a rural area and people are always burning piles of leaves and trash so I thought it was possibly from that which I was pissed about so I sprayed off the plants with hydrogen peroxide(h202) in hope of cleaning them but the next day it had spread and was even on parts of the stem of some plants.
So after doing research the only answer I could get was sooty mold which comes after a mass infestation of afids or white flies and the honey dew they excrete is what the sooty mold spores feed on. Could this happen in as short a period as a week?? Anyone have experience in sooty mold?
Last night I gave them a heavy spray of Azamax and this morning I found some black insects alive on fan leave easy to see with the naked eye(about 3ml in diameter) no idea what they were. I've also removed most of the "dusty" leaves and today I'm going to try to wipe off more with diluted apple cider vinegar.
Underneath I will ad photos, I apologise in advance for the poor quality I use a $50 phone.

(2)We just finished the wettest wet season that I've experienced and during it insects and pests are almost non existent but once the rain stops as it did this week all the eggs hatch and my plants got hammered. Under my scope which is not the best I see no moving insects only what could be a few dead white flies but there is lots of bite marks and leaf damage plus the brown/black spots.
So on top of that here's my main issue/s 2 days ago I noticed little amounts of what looked like a fine blackish or brown dirt on my fan leaves mostly on the tips. I live in a rural area and people are always burning piles of leaves and trash so I thought it was possibly from that which I was pissed about so I sprayed off the plants with hydrogen peroxide(h202) in hope of cleaning them but the next day it had spread and was even on parts of the stem of some plants.
So after doing research the only answer I could get was sooty mold which comes after a mass infestation of afids or white flies and the honey dew they excrete is what the sooty mold spores feed on. Could this happen in as short a period as a week?? Anyone have experience in sooty mold?
Last night I gave them a heavy spray of Azamax and this morning I found some black insects alive on fan leave easy to see with the naked eye(about 3ml in diameter) no idea what they were. I've also removed most of the "dusty" leaves and today I'm going to try to wipe off more with diluted apple cider vinegar.
Underneath I will ad photos, I apologise in advance for the poor quality I use a $50 phone.