Experienced in ebb & flow, considering aeroponics.


Active Member
So I have a few years of experience with ebb and flow with great success. Is aeroponics the best hydroponics option? What is the difficulty in cleaning an aeroflow setup compared to ebb and flow? I have heard that I can expect higher yields, but can I expect an increase in potency? Since I have never used or seen anyone use an aeroflow setup, are there any major differences in guidelines in taking a shift over to aeroflow? Also, just conceptualizing in my mind, is there any risk of having the roots from the plants closest to the reservoir reducing the water and nutrients from the plants farthest away from the reservoir, such as when growing plants that get huge like critical kush which should have a higher root mass? Which aeroponics setup should I go with, an aeroflo or this actually looks better http://www.hidhut.com/catalog/american-agritech-aerojet-system-p-529.html? Are there potentially new problems I may come across when switching to aeroponics that I would not experience with ebb and flow? Thank you in advance.
So I have a few years of experience with ebb and flow with great success. Is aeroponics the best hydroponics option? What is the difficulty in cleaning an aeroflow setup compared to ebb and flow? I have heard that I can expect higher yields, but can I expect an increase in potency? Since I have never used or seen anyone use an aeroflow setup, are there any major differences in guidelines in taking a shift over to aeroflow? Also, just conceptualizing in my mind, is there any risk of having the roots from the plants closest to the reservoir reducing the water and nutrients from the plants farthest away from the reservoir, such as when growing plants that get huge like critical kush which should have a higher root mass? Which aeroponics setup should I go with, an aeroflo or this actually looks better http://www.hidhut.com/catalog/american-agritech-aerojet-system-p-529.html? Are there potentially new problems I may come across when switching to aeroponics that I would not experience with ebb and flow? Thank you in advance.
I have been using my own home made aeroponic system for two years now. Your assumptions on root mass is correct. I sometimes laugh at the products being sold because they don't have the room for the root system. My plants get huge and the root system does too, enough to clog a 3/4 inch drain.DSCF0099.jpgDSCF0094.jpgDSCF0091.jpg
I now have a 2 inch drain system, but check out my blog myaeroponics.com
I can usually put a system together for under $250


Well-Known Member
you should read stinkbuddys thread, harvest a pound every three weeks. tons of info there. in aeroponics there shouldnt be a root issue like you say because there are individual sprayers and all root systems get the same. ive run aero for years and would never consider another way.