Experienced help please!


New Member
Hello, this is my 3rd grow and I'm having some minor plant issues.

Room Specs
Diamond Foil lined
insulated floors (I live bascially on a concrete ice cube)
6" ~300CFM exhaust fan w/ carbon filter
14" Oscillating fan
2 - 400 Watt MH lamps running 24/0
Temp 74F DAY / 68F NIGHT

Here's some pics of my plants. They are clones, approximately 4-5 weeks old. I transplanted them into 3 gallon pots exactly ONE week ago. They were in 4" square pots before transplant. They are in Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. They have been given ONLY water that has been pH'ed to 5.8. Watering when soil is dry 1.5 inches below soil line.

LUNCH LADY (Indica Dom) Canoeing leaves, somewhat droopy
KUSH 'N CHEESE (Hybrid) Slightly droopy
BLUE DREAM (left) LUNCH LADY (right)


Well-Known Member
How close is your lights? See some heat stress. Not familiar with the strains, that dark green waxy look is often a precursor to N tox. What PPMs? At what ratios? Why are you watering at 5.8 in soil, did I miss something?


Well-Known Member
Like the other fella's said, they don't look bad at all. Never mind the PPM and Ratio question...noticed you haven't fed so it must be a strain trait - the dark green waxy appearance.

Still curious about the 5.8 pH.
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Well-Known Member
If you are looking at them when lights first fire up,some strains are droopy until they"wake up".


New Member
Lights are 18" from canopy. Lights are on 24 hrs, so they are technically "awake" all the time. My tap water runs really clean where I live (~100 PPM, 40PPM of that is Ca) but the pH is ridiculous, it comes out at nearly 8.0. I water with 5.8 pH cause my runoff creeps up to 6.4-6

I'm just used to seeing nice flat leaves that are begging for the light (pointing almost straight up like my new growth is)


Well-Known Member
Take a look at the first thread in this section. Plant moisture stress symptoms and solutions. A lot of good info there.


New Member
My humidity ranges between 45-50%. I raised my lights another few inches, they are at 24" above the canopy now, and the plants seem to be responding well. They are perking up a bit.

As far as them getting used to their new pots, they were only 5" tall when I transplanted them. The two Kush 'N Cheese plants are now 10", and the Lunch Lady & Blue Dream are both 12" tall. All plants have roots showing through drainage holes, so I think they're pretty happy.

It just seems odd that they show signs of heat stress when the temps are just about perfect...