(EXPERIENCED GROWERS ONLY) Wtf has happened to my plant? :/

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
pH shouldnt be 5.5, tahts for hydro, not soil (6.8)
id say yea, theres a lack of nitrogen (bright yellow leaves)
and its not absorbing enough phophorus (either due to lack of it in the ferts, or low temps maybe?)

fix the pH issue asap, then slowly raise the nutrient levels
It could be a ph issue, but as another poster pointed out, what he's feeding them appears to not contain N or P. That would explain it too. Could be either really.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
From the seasol website

[h=3]What is the NPK of Seasol?[/h]
Seasol contains only very minor quantities of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium (N 0.10% : P 0.05% : K 2%). Seasol stimulates growth because it contains naturally occurring growth stimulants that have profound effects on plant metabolism. The growth stimulants in Seasol produce strong healthy growth of leaves, stems and root systems, and result in enhanced flowering and fruiting. They also strengthen plant cell walls, thereby increasing resistance to stresses such as drought, heat and frost, as well as insect attack and disease. Seasol also contains many trace elements which are essential for plant health.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Sounds like snake oil to me.

When products say something like "
  • it contains naturally occurring growth stimulants that have profound effects on plant metabolism"
that's a huge warning sign to me.

If that's all he's feeding his plants, that's definitely the problem.
I agree with you on that it sounds like sales talk with no evidence to back it up. But even then, if that is all one is relying on...

However, Seasol does have a good reputation here in Australia, and some people swear by it. The salesmen though, that I have met, have only recommended using Seasol both 1) As a root developing stimulant only and 2) in conjunction with Powerfeed (another product they sell - you'll see a picture of it in picture number 7 uploaded by highasfuck).

I personally don't use Seasol, I use vegan gardening techniques involving green manure, vermicompost and non-active composting...so no need for seasol for me...I take care of my dirt :)



Weed Modifier
I'v had this plant for about 2 months max, but something has grabbed my attention lately that doesn't seem right to me at all. The stems have turned purple, not the whole of the plants stems but say about 75% also the leaves have gone blotchy purple and then WHITE! My assumption is the Ca/Mg because the tips have lifted up, but the blood and bone has just the right amount of Ca. So this is why I need your help Iv looked and looked on the web for the exact same problem but couldn't find it so i made it! :) I'll post some pictures which should be 1000 words. (Iv got the problems easily visible in the pictures) Any tips, hints or anything at all to help me receive a healthier and beautifier harvest would make me very thankful.

Thanks guys, any more questions you may have or pictures you may need please ask I'm just having a brew bongsmilie.
Major deficiencies...what is your npk of nutrients ? I didn't see from pics of the bottle you posted...they look like they are starving for food.

just checked...
[h=3]What is the NPK of Seasol?[/h] Seasol contains only very minor quantities of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium (N 0.10% : P 0.05% : K 2%).

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I agree with you on that it sounds like sales talk with evidence to back it up.

However, Seasol does have a good reputation here in Australia, and some people swear by it. The salesman though, that I have met, have only recommended using Seasol both 1) As a root developing stimulant and 2) in conjunction with Powerfeed (another product they sell - you'll see a picture of it in picture number 7 uploaded by highasfuck).

I personally don't use Seasol, I vegan gardening techniques involving green manure, vermicompost and non-active composting...so no need for seasol for me...I take care of my dirt :)

Just looked it up. Sounds like it's liquid seaweed extract. So it's not completely snake oil, but it's hardly something that could sustain a plant alone either.


Weed Modifier
He forgot to feed them nitrogen or phosphorus. Minor detail...
no kidding...Seasol contains only very minor quantities of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium (N 0.10% : P 0.05% : K 2%). ph is important for nutrient uptake... 5.8 for hydro and 6.5 for soil
Ok guys so should I fix the Ph first? And what are some fert bands that should do the job with the NPK?
I'v also recently added some food pellets that I was giving by a friend the purple around the stems has faded a bit I'm wondering if when I wake up tomorrow, I will see more improvement?

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Ok guys so should I fix the Ph first? And what are some fert bands that should do the job with the NPK?
I'v also recently added some food pellets that I was giving by a friend the purple around the stems has faded a bit I'm wondering if when I wake up tomorrow, I will see more improvement?
If you need something easy to help with your NPK issue, then grab some Powerdirect...it was next to the seasol whereever you bought it.

As far as the length of time expected for improvement...as a rule of thumb...allow as long a period of time for a problem to be resolved as it took to be created. You won't see a quick fix....but you will hear a lot about quick fixes by snake oil salesmen ;)

Listen to what the people above have told you to do. Feed your plant...

Like this

  • dude seasol is no where near a fert!! thats like ur main problem right there!!.. ur ph is 5.5? thats not insanely bad but u gotta pick it up... ur using seasol and u wanna get every lil bit of the limited amount of shit in it... so yeh..

    get some PROPER fert and start off with 1/4 to 1/2 strength and then sort ur ph asap!!

    then u will be laughing​

Next time you grow please take a greater care of what soil you use. IMO I would spend as much time preparing your soil as you intend to grow in the soil. So if you need to grow in your soil for 6 months then start preparing your soil 6 months prior...

Just MO though.

Ph level is to high or there isnt enough oxygen getting to its roots
add zeolite or perlite perlites abit darer but zeolite is found in most kitten litter



Well-Known Member
N 0.10% : P 0.05% : K 2% ???????????????????

sorry i didnt see this before, but lets break this down as nerdy as i can make it:
You bought a container of 1.25liters. ---> 1250ml of solution
in this 1250ml of solution, .1% is N (.125ml), .05% is P (.625ml), and 2% is K (.25ml)

now, lets say the jug recommends a capful per gallon of water, thats like .000000000000000000001% of NPK

your pH is fucked, and your plants are getting colored water with a slight aroma of nutrient. its like your plants are the homeless bum outside a restaurant, and they get a whiff of delicious food when someone opens the door, just enough so they can barely taste it, but they are still starving to the point you can count the ribs on their fragile emaciated body.Id continue to use this product, sure. but as an additive in a mix of stuff that actually feeds the plants. who knows, its got seaweed, maybe some other good stuff, maybe some carbs? some sugars. nomnom sugars. but you cant live off aromas dude. Ask that bum.

I'll go to my local garden center today and have a wonder and see if I can get some ACTUAL fert :) I will post pictures of brands when I have got them. Cheers guys Ill keep ya posted :joint:

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Ok guys so should I fix the Ph first? And what are some fert bands that should do the job with the NPK?
I'v also recently added some food pellets that I was giving by a friend the purple around the stems has faded a bit I'm wondering if when I wake up tomorrow, I will see more improvement?
First thing first. They need food. Not sure what kind of nutrients you have access to, so I'm not sure what to recommend you. For the pk, look for something called "dolomite lime", then sprinkle a little bit on the top of your soil. You don't have a terrible ph problem, but it should be raised to ~6-6.5.


Well-Known Member
Hey! much better dude. Seems the Nitrosol is the main food ya want to you use during vegetative, use them ALL, ALWAYS, but use like 1/2 strength Nitrosol and like 1/8th strength everything else for Vegetative and see how it goes. Dont go crazy and over-fert them now.

Seems like some of them are very high in potassium (K) so be careful of that, but they should look much better in a few weeks


Well-Known Member
Flushh for 5 days then feed a balanced meal. Some tap water has a higher ph than other so check it out then treat

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Your plant is going to love you so much...I hope you post some after pics...we could then save your first pics to keep as a small how to for people who are concerned about discolouration of their stems etc.

Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.
