*Experienced growers*Canna vs Advanced nutrients vs Dyna Grow ...... ?

And I'm curious about this quality you speak of. Post a few pics of your flowers near harvest.
I think that closet grow is giving you an inferiority complex. No one has insulted you.
Cmon passive aggressive insults are still insults. Your talking down so you think. But closet growers have more passion than most "big time shows". Please don't try to separate the weed comunity with this hierarchy bull shit.
Even if I grew out of a closet, I fear you would still be jealous of my quality. No matter.
I hope you grow the dankest weed ever.....if you teach others. If not........who cares anyway? And the quality I speak of, would your hate taint that too?
Closet weed.... lol my Recipe @ 1 gram per gallon. Is yours cheaper and better . Prove it. Better weed and cheap as fuck to grow and simple recipe.. quality the these “salesmen”can’t get or even strive to achieve.

Those LEDs are hurting your yields ;)



I’m a nobody that likes to help. Don’t really care about much more then that.
Those LEDs are hurting your yields ;)



Those LEDs are hurting your yields ;)



your ego is hurting your rofl. Do you feel you have something to prove to the"closet grower"? Can't even say my bud looks dank, just bitch about my timber LED's?
Btw. Very beautiful weed. I love growing , and beautiful weed is beautiful weed. Nicely done.
But your knowledge could deal with an ego check. You stopped learning a long time ago I fear. The LED comment was the dying blow. How many watts you under?
Ever consider that the guy with the least trouble,easiest growing method...and cheaper. Just as good bud....probably better. Is gonna win?....at life.
I'm not gonna brag to you about quality. We all get there at some point. I'm gonna tell you I do it cheaper and more efficiently than you with less input....with equal of better results. Regardless of size. No matter. My method is superior. I wouldn't waste my time testing people's lines unless they paid me. Free nutes? Who cares.
I determine what works best for everything. And it is no one line I'm here to tell you.
To toot your horn. Feed a billion plants.
Just know im getting the same results with way less trouble.
your ego is hurting your rofl. Do you feel you have something to prove to the"closet grower"? Can't even say my bud looks dank, just bitch about my timber LED's?
Btw. Very beautiful weed. I love growing , and beautiful weed is beautiful weed. Nicely done.
But your knowledge could deal with an ego check. You stopped learning a long time ago I fear. The LED comment was the dying blow. How many watts you under?
Ever consider that the guy with the least trouble,easiest growing method...and cheaper. Just as good bud....probably better. Is gonna win?....at life.
I'm not gonna brag to you about quality. We all get there at some point. I'm gonna tell you I do it cheaper and more efficiently than you with less input....with equal of better results. Regardless of size. No matter. My method is superior. I wouldn't waste my time testing people's lines unless they paid me. Free nutes? Who cares.
I determine what works best for everything. And it is no one line I'm here to tell you.
To toot your horn. Feed a billion plants.
Just know im getting the same results with way less trouble.

Are you a middle child by chance? lol
Back to nonsense. FACEMAN for the win. If you need help with your grows just ask.
I saw a couple things I would fix.....

Because I'm a nice guy, I'll give you a tip for free. Given that you've got shit for wattage there, try growing a greater number of shorter plants. Why you're growing 4 foot plants in a tent with 100w of power is beyond me. You're welcome 8-).
Because I'm a nice guy, I'll give you a tip for free. Given that you've got shit for wattage there, try growing a greater number of shorter plants. Why you're growing 4 foot plants in a tent with 100w of power is beyond me. You're welcome 8-).
When you do know why ,then you will be smarter for it won't you? Until then why do you care or keep coming back for more?
When I can pull at least 3 ounces per plant under my"100watt fixture" I guess I'm doing ok....what's the GPW on 12 ounces @ 100 watts....you do the math lol
Can you do better?
I mean all this is based on your led knowledge.
I guess your doing more than 12 ounces on a 100 watt hid....or you would just come off sounding like a person making more judgements again.....hmmmm

But for your real lesson....it was the last stretch test. My question I posed was,In a case of a mother or a plant that had been in veg waiting a bit to long. Better to grow out or cut the tops off. In my tent I found that the bud past the light canopy did not suffer as muck as the leaves. They look like hell.
When we all started, and even now. Some people don't strip. But the bud grows in the shade of the leaf.
Instead of cutting collas I wanted to see if the would produce up there. So I knew I would be in for hell on this one. They stopped an inch from the roof. I cad to cut like 5-6 collas anyway toatal. So they wouldn't block out LED's.
I'm bored, this was kinda fun as an experiment for me to see the effects. I only ever change the shapes and training they get. Everything else's is identical, food....everything but strain.

So a glimpse into what I would say was my last stretch experiment.
I learned and still am.
But to be fair,I've got no ego in this.. The advice you gave was mostly accurate. Other than my wattage. I agree.
But that's why we ask and dont jump to "your doing it all wrong".
If you had seen my room during my "stripping Experiment " you would have said some real good stuff then too lol.
But I learned everything I wanted to know about stripping. I went against a lot of rules and found out why they are and aren't right.
Anyway I know you didn't even read this, it's about the trolling for you.
But this is for the people that did.
Good luck in all your grows.
When you do know why ,then you will be smarter for it won't you? Until then why do you care or keep coming back for more?
When I can pull at least 3 ounces per plant under my"100watt fixture" I guess I'm doing ok....what's the GPW on 12 ounces @ 100 watts....you do the math lol
Can you do better?
I mean all this is based on your led knowledge.
I guess your doing more than 12 ounces on a 100 watt hid....or you would just come off sounding like a person making more judgements again.....hmmmm

12 ounces? Nice! I remember my first grow ;)
12 ounces? Nice! I remember my first grow ;)
Do me a favor. Recognize that you a hater,and couldn't see me if I was your neighbor.
lol I love that line.
My friend. I stopped comparing myself to other growers a long time ago.
I'm confident that way. i teach people how to do with what they have.
While the toxic grower like you keeps trying to tell me I'm small time this and that.lol
It's all good bro. Cool down.im not your enemy.
I thought we growers should stick together. Big, small, whatever.
You are not a threat to me and You are not the threat new growers need. Bugs and evrything else they have to deal with is enough.
But to act like you have to me, shows who you are. Your character. I'd be ashamed.

"Get out of the closet, I remember my first grow"....you say lol. Ok sure.
But if that was true, your comparing dicks with a newbie, and looking threatened as fuck?
Nice front . Amateur insults lead to bad posturing.oofff

Advice for you would be: HELP people with their situation, instead of insulting them for it.
I know....crazy.

If you really want to know anything, just ask.....really. Let's turn this frown upside down and be positive!✊

If you must gone on,please by all means. But let's do this in a conversation,not hijacking this thread. I'm not here to insult you in front of an audience, nor do I want to at all. If this is for show then shut up.
You want to get down with some real talk? Invite me and anyone you see fit to watch the beatings begin. I just need me and my knowledge. I not talking a trash insult talk son, I'm talking knowledge game. Come get some.
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Do me a favor. Recognize that you a hater,and couldn't see me if I was your neighbor.
lol I love that line.
My friend. I stopped comparing myself to other growers a long time ago.
I'm confident that way. i teach people how to do with what they have.
While the toxic grower like you keeps trying to tell me I'm small time this and that.lol
It's all good bro. Cool down.im not your enemy.
I thought we growers should stick together. Big, small, whatever.
You are not a threat to me and You are not the threat new growers need. Bugs and evrything else they have to deal with is enough.
But to act like you have to me, shows who you are. Your character. I'd be ashamed.

"Get out of the closet, I remember my first grow"....you say lol. Ok sure.
But if that was true, your comparing dicks with a newbie, and looking threatened as fuck?
Nice front . Amateur insults lead to bad posturing.oofff

Advice for you would be: HELP people with their situation, instead of insulting them for it.
I know....crazy.

If you really want to know anything, just ask.....really. Let's turn this frown upside down and be positive!✊

If you must gone on,please by all means. But let's do this in a conversation,not hijacking this thread. I'm not here to insult you in front of an audience, nor do I want to at all. If this is for show then shut up.
You want to get down with some real talk? Invite me and anyone you see fit to watch the beatings begin. I just need me and my knowledge. I not talking a trash insult talk son, I'm talking knowledge game. Come get some.

Dude, you're trying way too hard.
But if I move along, how will you ever figure out how to quote a post correctly? lol
man you are clingy...oooof this is getting sad bro. You an only child? Need friends. Just say sorry and we can be the bestest friends ever. ROFL. Hugs and kisses
Look at you finally quoting posts correctly! :clap:
is that all you have...lol it's ok.
Sooooo no conversation? I would have ignored that challenge with your lack of confidence too.. But I still don't want to make a fool of you here. As easy as that's been. So you get in another shot or two ,while I go help someone who needs it. Or go help someone else yourself.....just go lol.. Your call. Your character. just walk away. No one cares anymore.
pic is like 3 days old probably wont take a new one for a while this is week 3/4 12/12 switch
They are friggin beautiful. I applaud the well implemented SCROG.. it took me a bit to make em work for me, but my back makes it to hard to water,and I love to get hands on and rotate them 1/4 turn daily....but this is gorgeous. Well done.

is that all you have...lol it's ok.
Sooooo no conversation? I would have ignored that challenge with your lack of confidence too.. But I still don't want to make a fool of you here. As easy as that's been. So you get in another shot or two ,while I go help someone who needs it. Or go help someone else yourself.....just go lol.. Your call. Your character. just walk away. No one cares anymore.

Dude, you're growing thumb-sized buds in a closet and are conducting 'what if I grew plants higher than the light' tests. Is that even a test? lol

Here's a test idea: what would happen if you actually pruned your plants correctly as to maximize the yields of your 100w LED. Start a journal, I'm sure everyone will be on the edge of their chair.
Ok this once I will help you with your obvious astonishment, that people are not you.nor do they want to be.....(oh boy I've been waiting for this one)
Dude, you're growing thumb-sized buds in a closet and are conducting 'what if I grew plants higher than the light' tests. Is that even a test? lol

Here's a test idea: what would happen if you actually pruned your plants correctly as to maximize the yields of your 100w LED. Start a journal, I'm sure everyone will be on the edge of their chair.

Here's an idea. I'm physically unable to do a lot.( paperwork says "disabled" but that's not how I define me.)
I get to stand on my feet, in pain for at most 2 hours a day. Then it's in a chair in pain. Been dealing with this for many many years.
I don't talk about it, nor do I need anything from anyone in the form of sympathy or whatever.
I don't owe you an explanation at all.
I also don't want it to go by what your doing here. You know.Who you are and your tactics as a person.
A bully grower....the fucking scum of the earth.
Why I'm not you ,in your situation growing like you?
I'm not you! Lol
But if you wanted know ,why I do what I do....ask.
I can't bend over really. So tall plants are a must
I'm not embarrassed of my situation,quite proud really.
Not of the pain, but what I manage to get done in spite of it.
You wouldn't care but maybe others would and I'm cool with you putting me down,even more....because people now see you for you. Toxic.

I run a 5 fixture 50 watt Cobb setup from timber led. I have 3 of these over 3, 3x3 trays. 2 trays for flower, one for veg.
Nothing to brag about at all. But it's mine, and grows more than enough dank for my fam.
In not big time, and if you try to tell me I need to be you'll be a fool for it.
Here's some food for thought. My lights penetration, as good as it is, is only so much.
My finding for my situation. SCROG limited the vertical depth of canopy, at least with the strains I'm running....and I really love to rotate them. I Can't get under the canopy without a lot of pain. Little bushes at waist hight is ok, but a little higher up is easier.
Either way if the penetration is just 2 feet for example....who the fuck are you to tell me we're to put that 2 feet of penetration.......rofl. I'm gonna do what I want. I know. It hurst you so.
The ones I showed you were old moms
I have no quotas to fill, and plenty of thumb sized buds ,so just flipped them.
I take things to an extreme sometimes, this was one of those times.
In hind sight....it sucked, a lot of work that a simple pruning would have fixed. ( your welcome for the tip).
But....I don't regret it at all. Learned a lot about light burn in ways I never imagined.lol
I never knew what a couple signs of light burn/lack of light looked like till now. I can help others because I know it first hand. A fucking weird way to go about it yes...but I'm better for it. Could I have made it perfect like all the other runs....yes. But I wouldn't have learned what I did if I had you in my ear.

To you....I'm doing it all wrong. I'm growing out of a closet.
I respect closet growers way more than I will ever respect will you. You assume and never ask.
Talk down instead of praise people for what they are doing right.
There's a reason why people like micro brewery's. Ever heard of craft beer?
Little guys do it better with better quality son.
The next time you acknowledge some ones bud size ROFL....but don't add that it looks dank as fuck. Your looking like that hater again.
Just saying.
So in the future ,maybe ask someone why instead of basically insulting them for a grow style that accommodates their physical limitations. It not a good look for most....but honestly. It suits you just fine.
Now will you walk away humbled or will your ego get the best of you. Either way, your not my issue thank God.