Experienced advice needed a.s.a.p.!!!!!!!


:confused: been growing for a while....but never had a probem with timers for flowering....recently bought 2 digital timers for flower room....1 timer with the 400 watt hps ,and 600 watt hps other timer with 2 1500 watt hps for supplemental lighting...fans,etc...well its the third day i woke up and saw the timer with the 150 watt hps's were on i believe it came on 3 hours earlier then scheduled which means after a perfect 12/12 for years my grow finally encountered abnormal lighting stress...which put them on 15/9 for 3 day....really 2 and a half cuz i caught it this morning early when drinkn coffee....i fixed the other timer and will get up every hour on the hour tonight when they shut off to make sure problem is fixed.....HAS THIS EVER HAPPENED 2 ANY OF YOU ?AND WHAT WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH IT....no signs of hermie but watching very carefully until this grow is complete...if hermied then fuck it...cant cry over spilled milk...but due 2 my lack of experience with this particular problem,i would really need 2 hear your experience when it happened to you...palnts been flowering for about 3-4 weeks...looking gr8 other then this mishap.....THANX SO MUCH FELLOW MEN....:peace:


Well-Known Member
Imo, i think you might have caught it just in time,Only time will tell watch for signs of trying to revert.


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
this is why i run a water heater timer to a breaker panel, all the lights come on and go off at the same time. over 2 years and no problems,knock on wood.


Well-Known Member
if it's a stable strain then I would expect all is well. Naver had the same problem but once you find a timer you like and trust then buy a few so you always have a spare.


Well-Known Member
Just get back on your schedule. Use cheaper analog timers or mechanical timers. I swear to God. At my age I have used it all. Digital equipment screws up way before cheaper analog mechanical devices. Therefore it is less dependable. The best switch is somebody who actually does the turning Off/On. Otherwise use heavy duty mechanical units. And replace them before they screw up. A switch only has X number of times it can turn "Off/On" before contact wear makes the switch less and less reliable. In other words, buy one a year and don't cry about it. Cheap insurance. Used your old ones for burglar duty on lamps in your house.