Fertilizer, fertilizer, fertilizer. All plants need nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Then there are the trace minerals, mainly zinc, sulfur, boron and magnesium. All these you can get from a farmers coop, just tell them you are fertilizing your garden, people do it all the time. Now on the fert., you don't want to go crazy, very easy to kill, I have personally killed all kind of plants with to much fertilizer. Nitrogen around 90# actual nitrogen per acre (urea is 46% N so 195# per acre actual material). Additional N can be spread on after the plant gets larger. Phosphorus around 40# actual P per Acre (11-52 is 11%N and 52%P so 80# per acre actual material) Potassium(or usually called potash) around 20# actual per acre (0-0-60 is 60% potassium chloride so 33# per acre actual material. If you balance the N-P-K as shown there is no reason growing outside that you should be able to get 10-12 ounces per plant, and that is on the low end. On varieties talk with Dr Green Thumb or BC Bud Depot, both have direct lines to the owners. Northern Lights, Sweet Tooth, Oh!Zone, Iranian G13. These are all short season plants. I am a farmer, one thing I learned is, it takes money to make money, another words if you shortchange yourself on fertilizer and quality of seed, you wil probably get crap quality and quanity. Use good genetics and treat your plants nice. Happy growing and smoking. If you have questions about fertilizer, I am here.