Ruderalis is Siberian weed. Mexican brick is photo period plant (sativa). You can find fire in mexibrick seeds.
you need to stop quoting wiki
The term comes from Russia. Ruderalis originated from mongolia. in the 70's it made its way into canada, mexico and the midwest
The ruderalis now a days and after years of breeding is mexican ruderalis. 70 + years ago it was prevalent in Russia. Now its mostly found in mexico
Ruderalis is (mexican dirt weed)? this isint true3.8 grams. Autos get bad rep because they are bad. Its taking a strain and crossing it with a ruderalis (mexican dirt weed) to make an auto. 12/12 from seed with photo strains yield more and the lights dont have to run 24/7. Photo strains are far better quality
Ruderalis is (mexican dirt weed)? this isint true
Bro, don't listen to any of these haters, autos should have just as much respect as any other. Ruderalis isn't Mexican, it's northeastern European, and it's been bred with top quality marijuana strains in the same way they do anything else, to create potent, high yielding strains. That's why EVERY major weed company offers them.
No they won't yield as much as a 6 week vegged indoor plant under a fuckin 1000w system, but in a small, 4 site dwc setup under a 150w or even a 250w, autos can yield a good amount given their life span with top quality weed.
And to answer the OPs original question, the amount of dirt doesn't matter as much as the height of your growing container. Sounds weird but checkout this link , it will really help Ya out
love that i get to come back to see this and see actual knowledge being validated. this was considered bro science and i love to see people putting some respect on autos forrealBut because I'm not currently from there, does that mean my genes no longer reflect those of the people in my ancestory? Your lineage plays a huge role.
As to my knowledge most Mexican brick weed plants are tall growing sativas native to the equator, yes? Because of the long light cycles right?
Same thing with ruderalis. It's short growing with no veg because it's ancestory in northeastern Europe evolved to survive with a short window of optimal light cycle for it to grow, flower, and reproduce.
Ruderalis made its way to America in the 70s, which is when it got it's bad name as a poor producing plant. Regardlessof what you may think, 45 years of selective breeding for the best possible traits a ruderalis hybrid can have has really made the plants a worth while choice. plus
12/12 from seed forces a photo to flower unnaturally and takes at least 3-4 weeks to show sex regardless, plus your not giving your plant as much light. You have to flower under 12 hours of darkness. Autoflowers flower under 24, 18/6, 12/12. I mean if your worried about an extra 50$ on your electricity bill, why even grow? I'm not saying autos are better, ima photo grower, but autos deffinantly have their advantages in differant aspects of growing
He crossed Russian ruderalis with Mexican Landraceyou need to stop quoting wiki
The term comes from Russia. Ruderalis originated from mongolia. in the 70's it made its way into canada, mexico and the midwest
The ruderalis now a days and after years of breeding is mexican ruderalis. 70 + years ago it was prevalent in Russia. Now its mostly found in mexico