How can you say people that don't have a variety of strains test for them, and that's a fact? Do you know how many seeds I have from different breeders stashed away? You know nothing about me so how can you say that's fact? I just don't see how someone can judge a shitload of people like that without even knowing them. I think I've been growing long enough to spot good genetics, I can care less how they were made, all I care about is the outcome of the finished plants. I certainly don't go around judging people by the strains they choose to grow. I just signed up to be a tester, didn't think for a minute I would be choosen but I was. So I made a promise to test these seeds and I'm holding up my end of the bargain, I can give a rat's ass how they were made. I've grown strains by some of these so called breeders and it turned out like shit to be honest. How someone chooses to make seeds is really not up to me, but to judge a whole shitload of people that you don't even know is just fuckin ignorant. It amazes me how freakin stupid and ignorant people can be, unbelievable!