exotic and greenpoint seeds

been harvesting these plants and been pulling handfuls of seeds out of then I have no clue what the other strains is I know its not from hermi cause I check my plants every two days so it had to be pollen that hitch a ride on my shirt into the flower room even thou I sprayed myself down with water sum still survived so it will be interesting to grow these out if anbodys interested in random stuff let me know
I really want C&C and Kimbo...I will either use SVOC or FireStax, depending on who is cheaper/who has the better deal...I must say, the freebies from FireStax are QUITE a bit better than SVoC

it's true the freebies are way better but you have to be fast when there a drop on firestax lol it's unreal when you want to order a strain ten min after the drop to see it already out of stock
That is the kicker of the ma n pa stores, everyone who goes after the hype strains gets left in the dust. 10 minutes is pretty insane, like some dudes who are into Jordans and stand in line all morning just for it to run out lol.
from left to right kimbo kush, kimbo kush and onyc x stardawg2015-05-28 001.JPG 2015-05-28 009.JPG


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man I tried everything to kill these mofo, let see mosquaito dunk, de, yellow sticky traps, bti, gnatrol and now I just started using azomax, I even let my soil dry out, I take the stickytraps off the top of the dirt every two days and use my hand to stir the dirt to kill them in the winter there not to bad, but they annoy the hell out of me in the summer I keep them under I would say maybe 30 but that's keep on them I hope azomax work u got to hit them every week cause little pupil grow up to be big gnats every 7-10 days so its a on going battle, stax recommend sum shit I forget what it is Im going to try next, the onyc x stardawg is dank as all hell I love weed with the spear shape calx it got the diesel dank smell for sure
man I tried everything to kill these mofo, let see mosquaito dunk, de, yellow sticky traps, bti, gnatrol and now I just started using azomax, I even let my soil dry out, I take the stickytraps off the top of the dirt every two days and use my hand to stir the dirt to kill them in the winter there not to bad, but they annoy the hell out of me in the summer I keep them under I would say maybe 30 but that's keep on them I hope azomax work u got to hit them every week cause little pupil grow up to be big gnats every 7-10 days so its a on going battle, stax recommend sum shit I forget what it is Im going to try next, the onyc x stardawg is dank as all hell I love weed with the spear shape calx it got the diesel dank smell for sure

I used to get them too. They are annoying as shit but I don't think they do any real harm to the plant.

I'm surprised that the BTI bits didn't work for you. I mix my soil and add those right then, so my soil sits for a good 6 weeks before I use it and I think that gives it a good amount of time to take hold. Maybe if you dumped your soil in a tote and added the bits ahead of time it would help?
im surprised that bits didnt do it too! i use great white and fuckers have been ghost. get a sample off ebay and drench them fucks.do double dose, cant hurt unless your a gnat ;)
make sure they are gnats. azamax or bti is good enough. iv been using bti for a minute gnatfree from a seriously annoying infestation(shits buzzing round my face while im trying to go to bed, shit was bad!). boom knocked em dead in a week with an overload of great white and tarantula combined. didnt even use sticky cards. my cards were so caked with gnats(no lie LOL) i needed new ones, they died before i got some.
they die but I guess I should have stayed on them doing preventive maintaince, cause they come back it might be a month or two but they always do, I keep under 30 so that works for me