exhaust question, will a/c provide fresh air?


Well-Known Member
ok i got a new room i designed, its an 8x8 with 2 banks of lights, total 6x600w on each side a row, so 2 rows of 3x600 daisy chained together, now, i usually have my duct taking air from outside passing through my hoods and back out, not disturbing the co2 enriched air, this time around i have 2x 424 cfm fans for cooling, one fan for each row of 3 lights, this is perfect for cooling lights, but i hooked both lights to 1 carbon filter connected to a "Y", the air used to cool the lights is the actually aire from the grow space, i normally run my carbon filter seperately so i can exhaust at intervals and just replace co2 after an exhaust cycle, i figured with the current setup i can just run co2 more often, but both fans running is really strong and literally sucks the door closed, i have an a/c unit in there and i need to know will it provide fresh air, or do i need to make an intake for fresh air? i was thinking i should make 2 holes and have the fans seperatly cool the lights and have another 424cfm fan just to periodally run the filter, this fan also helps keep humidty in check. what are your thoughts


Well-Known Member
this wouldnt bother me much, but the fans have to run all day when the lights are on for cooling purposes, i know plants dont need air, they need co2, i dont even care about co2 loss but i have an a/c window unit and instead of adding a 3rd fan just for the filter and another smaller cheap duct fan for fresh air(althought it will be warm air potentially carrying bugs and humidity) i wanted to know if the a/c takes outside air or just recycles inside air and cools it


Active Member
A standard windo AC unit cools and circulates the air inside but it does not exchange the air to the outside.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Most likely your unit will recycle the air inside.
My setup is very similar and I have my room's intake tapped into the CH/AC which is filtered air from inside the home (which inherently has a high Co2 count).
Just go to a hardware store and pickup a box of insulated ducting, along with a roll
of duct tape and a Y duct for your size.
Viola fresh, cold, Co2 enriched, air.