Exhaust Isn't Working Properly...Please Help!!!!!


Well-Known Member

  • OKAY!! so my 4x4 Sunhut Xl tent WAS working great up til about a few weeks ago. i have noticed a leak. then i noticed that i did not install the ducting properly. so im completely pist off right now. its making a humming noise all of a sudden. and i can't stand it. ok. so here is a basic break down of my set up. i am in desperate need of help!!!

    here is my set up:

    hood filter (little black carbon filter and screen velcro'd on)>hood>ducting>ducting reducer>tent>ducting>exhaust fan>ducting>out

    see the problem? ok. the tent has these artificial ports on them manufactured on with drawstrings. sizes 4" and 6". i was told since i am running a 1000w in a 4x4 a 8" fan would suit my needs best. and so far it has. however i have been told recently that my hood could be a lot lower and closer to the tops of my plants. right now they appear to be fine, but i have a feeling that if the exhaust was installed properly i could draw more heat off the bulb. plus i know it wouldn't make as much noise. the tents ports are not 8" and i am having a problem with the ducting begin attached to the tents ports since they are 6".

    what can i do to fix this issue? when i had everything installed the first few months everything was fine. when i went to shut the door it would make a whistling vortex sound. indicating to me that everything was properly installed correctly.

    is it possible that i may nee dot re-lube my fan up? do fans loose power after 6 months??

    i will provide pics here in a moment.​

I don't see any issues with the actual setup of your exhaust chain. I have never heard of re-lubing a fan. It is possible that the fan is going out and may need to be replaced. If your fan is making a humming noise there's a good chance it's because it's going out and/or there is too much of a load on the motor itself either from airflow being restricted too much (which I doubt).

I would go buy a new fan and install it and see if that fixes the problem. If it does, return the other one to the store under warranty. My local guys are great on warranty so it's super easy to just buy a new one, test it out and if it doesn't fix the problem you can always return it to the store as well.
didn't I just see this post in another section ??
Dammmm dude . One post in enough . If you really need help , just start reading.
You can.always get a adapter or whatever.....i know they have it from a 4in duct you can put the piece on and it will fit a 6in duct but also yea if fan is going out then a new one will be needed
didn't I just see this post in another section ??
Dammmm dude . One post in enough . If you really need help , just start reading.

nah fool i dont need much help. more then 1 post = more then 1 reply. and since you killed it with your answer it was well needed. thanks for the immature comment. it was not much better then "go and google it"...its funny. i see people with all the comments on here, but not much knowledge, sad really.