Exhaust fan necessary?


Well-Known Member
So I just have a question about running my exhaust fan, and if it's needed under my current conditions.
I have fan set for intake into the tent from my outside room and an oscillating fan set up inside the tent.
RH is usually between 60~50 plus or minus, and temp is around 73~65.
Is it necessary to run my exhaust fan under these conditions?
When I run my exhaust fan it sucks all the humidity out of my tent and I have to start adjusting with humidifiers. Trying to see if I can avoid the extra work and just not use the exhaust fan.


Well-Known Member
So I just have a question about running my exhaust fan, and if it's needed under my current conditions.
I have fan set for intake into the tent from my outside room and an oscillating fan set up inside the tent.
RH is usually between 60~50 plus or minus, and temp is around 73~65.
Is it necessary to run my exhaust fan under these conditions?
When I run my exhaust fan it sucks all the humidity out of my tent and I have to start adjusting with humidifiers. Trying to see if I can avoid the extra work and just not use the exhaust fan.
If your running a carbon filter then you should have an exhaust


Well-Known Member
So I just have a question about running my exhaust fan, and if it's needed under my current conditions.
I have fan set for intake into the tent from my outside room and an oscillating fan set up inside the tent.
RH is usually between 60~50 plus or minus, and temp is around 73~65.
Is it necessary to run my exhaust fan under these conditions?
When I run my exhaust fan it sucks all the humidity out of my tent and I have to start adjusting with humidifiers. Trying to see if I can avoid the extra work and just not use the exhaust fan.
Use a fan controller so you can slow down the out take, it's necessary due to removing stale air out the room as your bringing in fresh


Well-Known Member
So I just have a question about running my exhaust fan, and if it's needed under my current conditions.
I have fan set for intake into the tent from my outside room and an oscillating fan set up inside the tent.
RH is usually between 60~50 plus or minus, and temp is around 73~65.
Is it necessary to run my exhaust fan under these conditions?
When I run my exhaust fan it sucks all the humidity out of my tent and I have to start adjusting with humidifiers. Trying to see if I can avoid the extra work and just not use the exhaust fan.
Intake fan requires a higher cfm exhaust fan, or you can use the same kind and set it a bit higher. Your tents gonna suck in a lot so you should get or make a high cfm kit. Passive intake is ideal for a smaller tent if you can.


Well-Known Member
I would use an exhaust fan 24/7(w/ a filter). You really don't need an intake fan if you have outflow. Having outflow will create negative pressure making your intake passive. Unless you have REALLY high temps or need to cool the room quickly, you shouldn't need an intake fan IMO.

...but that's just me.
**edit** I would worry more about hot(smelly), stale air than I would the humidity.
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