Exhaust fan, intake and carbon filter


Well-Known Member
I run a 4x4 myself. A 6 inch extractor is a bare minimum. Ive been tempted lately to get an 8inch even. Its not the cooling i want. Its constantly replacing the air, without letting the air inside the tent sit still that im after. Ive never had mold issues, but i think the quality of my environment would be significantly better. I think yield, smell, and taste would improve.
If you have fresh air coming into the room your tent is in. Id just keep the room dark, and leave a few vents open on your tent.
A good rule of thumb, is to have 3x the surface area for intake, than outtake.
I dont run LED. Though i have, my carbon filter, which connects to a fan. The fan then connects to my cooltube. The cooltube connects to another fan on top, outside my tent, blowing the air straight out.
I always regret, not buying the biggest inline extractor fan i could, with a speed controller.
Definitely gonna be my next purchase, when my current fans have had it.
I put ventilation as the second most important thing, next to light.
I wouldnt skimp on your ventilation at all.


Active Member
I run a 4x4 myself. A 6 inch extractor is a bare minimum. Ive been tempted lately to get an 8inch even. Its not the cooling i want. Its constantly replacing the air, without letting the air inside the tent sit still that im after. Ive never had mold issues, but i think the quality of my environment would be significantly better. I think yield, smell, and taste would improve.
If you have fresh air coming into the room your tent is in. Id just keep the room dark, and leave a few vents open on your tent.
A good rule of thumb, is to have 3x the surface area for intake, than outtake.
I dont run LED. Though i have, my carbon filter, which connects to a fan. The fan then connects to my cooltube. The cooltube connects to another fan on top, outside my tent, blowing the air straight out.
I always regret, not buying the biggest inline extractor fan i could, with a speed controller.
Definitely gonna be my next purchase, when my current fans have had it.
I put ventilation as the second most important thing, next to light.
I wouldnt skimp on your ventilation at all.
Thanks a lot. I was starting to reconsider 4inch or 6inch. I’ve been trying to decide between 6 and 8inch


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot. I was starting to reconsider 4inch or 6inch. I’ve been trying to decide between 6 and 8inch
If you can fit the ducting, go for the 8. Definitely, without a doubt.
Add a speed controller, and you're free to adjust your cfm anytime.
Its just so worth it imho.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot. I was starting to reconsider 4inch or 6inch. I’ve been trying to decide between 6 and 8inch
Im using 6inch exhaust and 4 inch intake fan and id say its close to be too powerful for my 4x4.. with a 6inch exhaust at about 400cfm you can exhange air in your tent more than once a minute which is plenty.. i dont see the need for a 8inch exhaust in a 4x4 that would be really overpowered.. save you the money and put more fans inside to move air around.. im not using hlg550 but 4 led board so roughly the same.. i have 2 clip fan for my lights, 3 clip fan for the canopy and a 10inch fan as well.. so on top of the intake/exhaust i have a verygood air movement so far so good.

And yes use a controller for your exhaust fan.. you may not play with it all the time but when needed youll have that flexibility


Well-Known Member
Im using 6inch exhaust and 4 inch intake fan and id say its close to be too powerful for my 4x4.. with a 6inch exhaust at about 400cfm you can exhange air in your tent more than once a minute which is plenty.. i dont see the need for a 8inch exhaust in a 4x4 that would be really overpowered.. save you the money and put more fans inside to move air around.. im not using hlg550 but 4 led board so roughly the same.. i have 2 clip fan for my lights, 3 clip fan for the canopy and a 10inch fan as well.. so on top of the intake/exhaust i have a verygood air movement so far so good.

And yes use a controller for your exhaust fan.. you may not play with it all the time but when needed youll have that flexibility
TBH, i definitely need it.
My intake comes straight from outside. They LOVE the 6.
They'd love the 8inch more. If you can keep your humidity, and temps in check, more fresh air the better. Plants absolutely love it.
Thats why id recommend the speed controller too. You can dial it right in.
Just watch your carbon filter, they can be chunky.
The fresher ive made my room, the bigger my buds get.
Bigger roots = bigger fruits.
6 inch just doesnt quite cut it for me.
I know that much, for sure.


Well-Known Member
I think, if its not too expensive. Control the room, the tent's in. It would be the best option for you @iGrow420710
It'd be awesome, if you kept the temps, and humidity regulated in the room
Then when your extraction sucks the air into your tent, your in the zone. You'd just need a couple oscillating fans. It would give you more tent space as well.
It'd be more efficiently controlling your environment too. Your temps, and humidy would be very consistent.
Consistency is key, for growing.
Light, environment, ph, feed. In this order. Keep these consistent, and in the zone, all the time.
Do this, I think your plants will reward you. Very, very well!!