Exhaust Fan Conundrum


Well-Known Member
ok, i have a 250cfm duct fan which works fine on its own. the problem is that my exhaust flanges are 4 inches in diameter, causing me to use a 6inch to 4 inch reducer. this causes a rather large amount of back-pressure making the fan expel air from both ends, instead of moving air from one end out the other. so far i have come up with 2 possible solutions, 1: buy a 6 inch flange for my HydroHut and cut new holes to accept it or 2: buy a 4 inch duct fan which is only rated at 80 cfm.

maybe i'm missing something here, but i don't really want to have to cut my HydroHut if it's not absolutely necessary. i have a 6 inch diameter cooltube, so even if i went with a 4 inch duct fan, i would still need a reducer, placing me right back in the same boat. does anyone have any suggestions?
those fans push and pull really well. and i dont know if its a possibility for you but you can find fans like that at places like flea markets or hardware stores cheap. i got a 1000CFM made for home A/C units for just under 150.00 new. its enough to pull air in threw 12' of intake. (2x6" lines) then push it out of 5' of exhaust. (2x6' lines)