Exhaust cool tube in home Hvac?


Hi, My 4 blueberry plant will be flowering soon, they are located in a small room next to my Hvac/Oil Furnace. I just bought a 750Watt HPS Lumatek with a cool tube... I was thinking about hooking the cool tube exhaust to one of the hvac air input duct and replacing the furnace filter with carbon activated one... (http://www.danforthfilters.com.s11.incloak.com/secure/store/wpbec_viewItem.asp?idProduct=9884) The cool tube fan will be the only fan in the room. Do you think this 240cfm duct booster will suffice? (http://www.ebay.com.s11.incloak.com/itm/6-INCH-DUCT-FAN-BOOSTER-BLOWER-240-CFM-BRAND-NEW-AND-FREE-SHIPPING-/160939109501?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2578b7ec7d) Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I asked my friend the exact same question and she is a HVAC tech, I was told adding anything that wasn't originally in the design of the vent system could result in an insufficiently cooled or heated home. You can but there are possible