Exhaust and Intake Fan Controller


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the great replies guys.

I agree I dont want too much negative pressure forcing the smell out, but I've tried doing passive intakes before but they just didnt seem to do much.

I tried following a guide to create the proper amount of sqin of passive intake for the CFM of my exhaust but it would have required far too many holes for my practicality.

My biggest problem is this is somewhat of a stealth build so I can have a large cruise ship looking light beams coming out the side, lol, so thats why I figure I could have active in and exhaust out all nice and neat.

I think its safe to say putting the controller on the exhaust is my best bet, but as far as what size intake fan, would going with a 4" hurricane (to match my 6" exhaust 435 CFM) at 171 CFM work out or is that too far a differential now?
I dont understand the logic here..how can negative pressure cause smell to escape if all the points that air could escape from are sucking in fresh air? If your blowing air into your tent for intake and it exceeds the cfm of your exhaust your blowing dank out all those points where air would have come im via passive methods. Can you block the sun your room gets all day to reduce temps?


Was a little backwards there, meant if the active intake was too much it could create positive pressure and force too much air in, without it being able to exhausted quick enough and thus escaping through any holes.

It seems like I'm just better off with a passive, but how can I insure my system is passively receiving enough air to satisfy its needs? Thats the only reason I considered active was to get more fresh air to my babies, but I am now learning that might not be necessary.