Exhale bags vs. co2 regulator and tank


Well-Known Member
Ok so I've owned a co2 tank and regulator for over a year now. Used it and loved it. Recently I bought a tent 8x4 and the guy gave me his 3 month old exhale bag for free. My tank was empty and I decided to use the bag. Well I'm glad I did because I tested my co2 ppm and it was at a perfect 1500! So basically I'm gonna sell my tank to a buddy but before I do! can anyone give me a good reason why I should maybe keep the tank? I mean it cost $15.00 a month to fill. It has to be sent out to get filled so it takes a week sometimes to get back to the air gas place meanwhile my plants have no co2. I have to spend gas $ driving it to and from. And! It's heavy as fuck lugging around a full tank! So I'm thinking on going with the exhale bags and saying fuck the tank but I'd like some feedback first! Those bags are like $40 and they last well over 3-6 months the proof is right in front of me!


Well-Known Member
Ahh well w/e I just typed it the thinkin bout the way everyone calls it Noz so Noz no2 ya know, but hell I was close u knew what I meant!!! Lolz


Well-Known Member
Right, well can anyone maybe explain with details how it would be better to use the tank rather than the bag. The bag says its the most organic source of co2 and that's it's completely harmless.. I see nice new growth everyday with it


Well-Known Member
Ahh well w/e I just typed it the thinkin bout the way everyone calls it Noz so Noz no2 ya know, but hell I was close u knew what I meant!!! Lolz
Right on, it's just that nitrous dioxide is toxic is inhaled, and fatal in low doses. But I feel ya, bro! I've said the same thing myself. Funny story, we(4 of us) took a 20lb tank to get filled, and started hitting off it 4 hours before the party...we got to the party, filled like 10 balloons, and the tank was tapped out.


Active Member
if its working that good and keeping your room at 1500ppm than awesome! i probably would do that over the tanks. a friend of mine recently got those bag things and is testing it out. personally i have co2 generator which burns natural gas. its extremely cheap to run NG compared burning propane or buying co2. but i have the hydrogen pro generator and it was expensive as fuck to set up. plus i had to run my own NG line. its expensive to setup because the generator is water cooled. have to run a chiller and 55 gallon reservoir just for a 10x10 room.


Well-Known Member
i tried the co2 bucket. didnt do squat. if the bag works for you and your sure the bag is 1500ppm then run that shit but make sure you get a new one if it starts to drop because plants get addicted to co2, if they get 15.. then they get 9.. they might not be doing all they can. good luck.


Well-Known Member
i hear a lot of people not liking the exhale bags. i use them myself but dont have a meter for that so idk. check again in a couple days and see what its at. if its still up there let us know cause that would be really cool if it maintained 1500ppm!


Well-Known Member
I've noticed when the lights are off and the temps are low it does not disperse as much but when the lights come one that bag swells right up! I'll check in a week and even take a video. Testing co2 in ur grow area cost no more than about $20 and that should get 2 tests. It's a syringe with glass tubes


Well-Known Member
^ plants provide there own co2 when the lights are off. so as long as your temps are good..low 70s lights off or coooler, they will be chillin


Active Member
I use an Exhale bag in a 3'x3'x6' growlab. I have never tested my ppm and I have no way of knowing if it is better. I will say that they are getting more popular. Here in Wa. State I have seen the price go from $26-$40 in the last 8months. I also have heard from the grow stores here they last a lot longer than 6months. I saw one at a store that was still producing co2 and was over a year old. So hold onto it. it may last 12 months. I have had mine for 6 months. I have only been growing for 8 months, so I am so new I probaly couldnt tell just by looking at the plant. I will say this, my shit is good and big. My 1st harvest produced 5ozs and I was using a 400hps, she was a Jack's Cleaner. I grow one plant at a time under each light. Right now I am flowering a Strawberry Cough and she is at the end of her 5th week of Flower. She is flowering under a 600hps. Plus she spends the most time with the Bag and she is in a growtent. One thing I have is that I have to water every other day. I have to have a lot of air flow so as not to develop PM. Day 38 no PM, but I did use to much calcium. My other room is a 400w hps/halide. I just started flowering the Afghan in there 6 days ago and white pistills are present. This room doesnt see the Bag quite as much. I think I will go down and buy a new one so I have one for each room. I feel the need to have one because my grow is deep in the back of my garage, 30'.
Strawberry Cough 6-5-2012 001.jpg6-5-12.Outdoor 6-2-2012 003.jpgMy Orange Crush. I raised this from a seed on Jan. 25. Planted outside April 23. Week 19 of Vegg. There is another one, a Jack Herrer, but she isnt doin as well. Too much nitro in the soil. Still she is 3' tall. Oh, I live where I-5 and I-405 meet. So co2 for thes guys are not a problem. Plus, since I vegged them for so long, the week long cloudy or rainy weather has not bothered this one at all.

Ther that is why i have an Exhale bag, because I need co2 in my garage. i cant be running my truck in the garage, beside isnt exhaust c2o


Well-Known Member
It would seem to me that the exhale bags are a better choice, not only are they cheeper but those tanks as you said can be a pain in the A..I would also be worried that someone somewhere must be wondering why is he using so much co2 and for what.


Active Member
I've noticed when the lights are off and the temps are low it does not disperse as much but when the lights come one that bag swells right up! I'll check in a week and even take a video. Testing co2 in ur grow area cost no more than about $20 and that should get 2 tests. It's a syringe with glass tubes
CO2 is a gas. when the lights are off, temps are lower due to the absence of the heat of the lights. gas expands with increases in temperature and contracts with decreases in temp. if temp increases, pressure increases. that's why the bag puffs up when the lights are on...


Active Member
Well watever the reason. I went down and bought another. I paid $30.22 with tax. U know they are brown when they r brand new. My grow shop treats me right. The owner, Jason, was at the Mini-mart with me the other day and bought my beer. He just got a loyal customer for life.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I like the bags way better so it looks like that's what I'll do. Sell the tank or trade it for something


I'm getting 1 for fathers day for my tent I'll post my opinions on it after a week or so just started back on my second grow so I should hopefully see a difference from no c02 on my first grow.