EXCUSE ME?!..**The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2020 Thread**

Keeping kneeling and suckling at the great propaganda outlets.

Keep defending the inauthentic oppositionists, aka the establishment Democrats.

Did you see how your heroine Diane Feinstein just treated a group of high school students who came to ask her about her support for the GND? 85 years old and $79 million net worth Feinstein dismissed them with incredible disrespect.

It was a despicable show. Yet you support her.

Why did you not post the whole interview? Yes she was a bit of a douche but she also made some good points and if watched in its entirety a different conclusion may have been deemed but as typical tty you used what suited your agenda IMO. No not doctored but parts were left out that changed the context. Again my question to you was why not post the entire interview?
Keeping kneeling and suckling at the great propaganda outlets.

Keep defending the inauthentic oppositionists, aka the establishment Democrats.

Did you see how your heroine Diane Feinstein just treated a group of high school students who came to ask her about her support for the GND? 85 years old and $79 million net worth Feinstein dismissed them with incredible disrespect.

It was a despicable show. Yet you support her.

Bernie is well known for supporting the brutal Nicaraguan regime of the Sandanistas and is cozying up to Putin while giving Maduro hope of avoiding trials in Geneva for human rights violations.

So, now we are at the point where you use the word propaganda falsely. Amnesty International is not a propaganda organ. They are publishing results from testimony of hundreds of people confirmed by factual, publicly available and verified incarceration data about Maduro's brutality against the people of Venezuela.

Why do leftist anti-democratic authoritarians, I mean, Progressives, put out blatant propaganda of their own and then claim it to be unbiased truth? So now the question has to be asked -- what do you mean when you use the word, propaganda?
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a later, longer version came out though. it showed that the first video that the justice democrats put out was doctored in order to put feinstein in a negative light. that's called propaganda.

anyhoo, speaking of propaganda, why is russian state media writing dozens of articles praising tulsi gabbard? why did russia support bernie in 2016, as mueller proved? and why did bernie choose tad devine to manage his campaign? tad devine used to work with convicted felon and prison inmate paul manafort
Edited is not the same as doctored, clown shoes.

It's obvious whose side you're on.

At least be honest about your cheerleading for antidemocratic imperialism and support for profits over climate.
Bernie is well known for supporting the brutal Nicaraguan regime of the Sandanistas and is cozying up to Putin while giving Maduro hope of avoiding trials in Geneva for human rights violations.

So, now we are at the point where you use the word propaganda falsely. Do you say that Amnesty International is a propaganda organ for publishing results about Maduro's brutality against the people of Venezuela?

Why do leftist anti-democratic authoritarians, I mean, Progressives, put out blatant propaganda of their own and then claim it to be unbiased truth? So now the question has to be asked -- what do you mean when you use the word, propaganda?
Cool. Go vote for Kamala Harris and wonder why nothing changes.

I'm voting for Bernie Sanders, even if I have to write him in.
Cool. Go vote for Kamala Harris and wonder why nothing changes.

I'm voting for Bernie Sanders, even if I have to write him in.
Nice deflection but it's a fucked up answer to a question. You can vote for whatever anti-democratic authoritarian you want in any election where you can cast a vote. I haven't decided who I'm going to vote for but I know it won't be Bernie.

Answer the question or concede that you misused the word. What do you mean when you use the word, propaganda?

Bernie is well known for supporting military dictators like Ortega and Maduro even though they suppress freedom and brutalize their own people. Get used to this being brought up. Maduro should step down for the good of the people of Venezuela.
Keeping kneeling and suckling at the great propaganda outlets.

Keep defending the inauthentic oppositionists, aka the establishment Democrats.

Did you see how your heroine Diane Feinstein just treated a group of high school students who came to ask her about her support for the GND? 85 years old and $79 million net worth Feinstein dismissed them with incredible disrespect.

It was a despicable show. Yet you support her.

thanks for finding this^^:lol:
If you had to choose between Kamala and Trump in the general, you would write in Bernie ?

media et al need to be very careful, not of who votes, but who DOESN'T.

if you had a choice between bernie and trump are you going to be writing in kamala?
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'finding this'?

It was on CNN, ffs.
Everybody saw it, so what?

Kids need to learn early everything is an uphill battle. Nothing is easy and you better register to vote.
And just maybe she was a bit cranky that the kids were being used as pawns to promote a possibly unworkable plan? Amazing how one is now an intern lol. The whole encounter left a bad taste from both sides​
media et al need to be very careful, not of who votes, but who DOESN'T.

if you had a choice between bernie and trump are you going to be writing in kamala?
That is easy. Bernie. why the fuck would I write in anyone ?
Now can you answer the question posed to your fantasy internet friend TTy.
If you had to choose between Kamala and Trump in the general, you would ... ?