EXCUSE ME?!..**The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2020 Thread**

Something tells me this is about as high level as this forum goes.
Well, rather than carp, how about posting something that helps bolster this claim of yours:

"Sanders is building his coalition now, and the centrists who pivot to the left now are going to be obviously doing so for expedient reasons"

I totally agree that centrists who pivot leftward and to Bernie, need a reason for doing so. Can you show me an article from a reliable source that demonstrates they are?
Well, rather than carp, how about posting something that helps bolster this claim of yours:

"Sanders is building his coalition now, and the centrists who pivot to the left now are going to be obviously doing so for expedient reasons"

I totally agree that centrists who pivot leftward and to Bernie, need a reason for doing so. Can you show me an article from a reliable source that demonstrates they are?
Try Google search "harris, pivots on healthcare for all" one day she is for it, the next day she flips.
Try Google search "harris, pivots on healthcare for all" one day she is for it, the next day she flips.
I can Google search and have. I'm asking you where you came up with the idea that centrists will pivot to Bernie and for what reason? I've posted links and you don't read them. So, I'm asking you for an example that you find makes your case so that we can talk about the same set of facts or reasons.
Hi Shua1991, ad hominem as in you don't know me, but yet the depiction that you posted above made the assumption that you do, you did reverse/side swipe the topic when you posted that, did you not?
That isnt an ad hominem. Thats merely and insult or joke. If you had stated "the sky is blue" and I said, you're a pothead stoner, there is no way the sky is "blue", id be attacking your character as a way to address your arguments credibility. You never really provided any argument, you wanted to close the thread, I said dont be such a pathetic person to shut down a convo over you not liking the content. We are all free to leave, but I'm not advocating silencing of discussion.
I can Google search and have. I'm asking you where you came up with the idea that centrists will pivot to Bernie and for what reason? I've posted links and you don't read them. So, I'm asking you for an example that you find makes your case so that we can talk about the same set of facts or reasons.
The democratic platform in 2020 is basically bernies platform from 2016, they have pivoted because these are popular policies amongst progressive and liberals, even self described republicans support Medicare for all in majorities. Free public college, higher taxes on billionaires and millionaires: again, popular. These are litmus tests for how progressive most candidates are. When bernie is in the primaries, he forces them to be anything BUT republican-lite or neoliberals(hawkish interventionists, 'tough on crime'). Sanders also was the first candidate to be funded by small dollar donations, not bought or influenced by big money pacs. On principle, thats something every single candidate should strive to do, represent their constituents without undo influence from big business or pharma or tech.
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That isnt an ad hominem. Thats merely and insult or joke. If you had stated "the sky is blue" and I said, you're a pothead stoner, there is no way the sky is "blue", id be attacking your character as a way to address your arguments credibility. You never really provided any argument, you wanted to close the thread, I said dont be such a pathetic person to shut down a convo over you not liking the content. We are all free to leave, but I'm not advocating silencing of discussion.
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Just messing around with ya bro.:mrgreen:
The democratic platform in 2020 is basically bernies platform from 2016, they have pivoted because these are popular policies amongst progressive and liberals, even self described republicans support Medicare for all in majorities.
I already understand you belief that Bernie is best and anybody who doesn't agree with you is wrong. What I'm asking for is any evidence that there is a pivot -- among black voters or Hispanic voters or middle class older Democratic party loyalists perhaps "moderate liberals" towards the Left and particularly towards Bernie.

Whenever I look at polling data or analysis like the one I posted here earlier, I don't see that pivot happening. It can't be simply "Harris flip flopped on healthcare so of course they will vote for Bernie". On the face of it, that claim is not very convincing.

I've been following Bernie's path for the past two years and I haven't seen him do or say anything that convinces me he's appealing outside his base from 2016. I can cite several instances where he has done the opposite. His awful speech on April 4, for example.
I already understand you belief that Bernie is best and anybody who doesn't agree with you is wrong. What I'm asking for is any evidence that there is a pivot -- among black voters or Hispanic voters or middle class older Democratic party loyalists perhaps "moderate liberals" towards the Left and particularly towards Bernie.

Whenever I look at polling data or analysis like the one I posted here earlier, I don't see that pivot happening. It can't be simply "Harris flip flopped on healthcare so of course they will vote for Bernie". On the face of it, that claim is not very convincing.

I've been following Bernie's path for the past two years and I haven't seen him do or say anything that convinces me he's appealing outside his base from 2016. I can cite several instances where he has done the opposite. His awful speech on April 4, for example.
You keep bringing up black voters as if they're the ones we need to worry about losing, they see the orange man in the oval office. That's all you need to motivate the democratic base. I'm looking to get independents, first time voters, jaded people looking to shake up the democratic party and to hold the rest accountable. We shouldnt have democrats voting to confirm judges for trump, the republicans play dirty, its time to play dirty too. Dont confirm their judges, any of them.

As fucked up as this sounds, I spent a fair deal of time(5 years) in a group home and saw all kinds of kids come and go, and I spent more time in black foster homes than Latino(like myself) or white families. I noticed something very distincive about each group. Older Latinos and Hispanics tend to be brainwashed by catholicism, highly superstitious, while younger generations are free to experience greater integration and blending of American and foreign cultures. The same for black communities with slight variations. I lived in with either Haitians, Jamaican or straight African American. Similar stuff, the more "African" as far as identity (rather than "American") among the black communities also tend to fall for alot of superstitious cultural hangups brought on through various forms of religious indoctrination(fear of magic/voodoo/tarot). I've been to black Israelite temples(cults) and heard crazy shit from racist NOI cultists. These people arent progressive, they aren't even liberals in many cases they are social conservatives looking to form black identitarian and seperatist movements. I wonder if you know.anything about Hotep, or any other cults within the black community who have no interest voting for democrats. I had a married couple (40+) from haiti tell me the earthquake and disaster in haiti was caused by punishment from god for gay marriage and homosexual sin. I heard this from an adult speaking to me with a straight face. We cannot address these cultural differences without really reassessing our entire educational system and designing one that promotes critical thinking, science, inquiry and inference. These are the tools we can teach children to use to scrutinize their public officials when they come of age. We need an entire cultural revolution to occur in this country. It doeant have to be bernie Sanders who spearheads the effort, but he took the job. I prefer policies that prevent needless suffering causes by health/disease, lack of education and training that leads to low skill work and poverty or a life of breaking your back for measly pay. Policy proposals in favor of marijuana legalization are a good start, back in 2016 bernie was again, ahead of the curb in campaigning on removing cannabis from schedule 1 and then taking a look at the sweeping psychedelics act of 1964. Not many people had the balls to say that aside from libertarians. I know kamala harris used to prosecute teanagers for pot and truancy(missing school). She made criminals out of the impoverished rather than fighting for school funding, the tough on crime stripes shine true...
I already understand you belief that Bernie is best and anybody who doesn't agree with you is wrong. What I'm asking for is any evidence that there is a pivot -- among black voters or Hispanic voters or middle class older Democratic party loyalists perhaps "moderate liberals" towards the Left and particularly towards Bernie.

Whenever I look at polling data or analysis like the one I posted here earlier, I don't see that pivot happening. It can't be simply "Harris flip flopped on healthcare so of course they will vote for Bernie". On the face of it, that claim is not very convincing.

I've been following Bernie's path for the past two years and I haven't seen him do or say anything that convinces me he's appealing outside his base from 2016. I can cite several instances where he has done the opposite. His awful speech on April 4, for example.
he got Amazon to raise their minimum wage to $15, pretty ballsy. Also with the help of folks like to khanna, they passed a resolution to end funding for the Yemeni genocide we're engaging in on behalf of the Saudis.
he seems to think he is..do you know for a fact he's not?

welcome back from my ignore.