EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

flint? why are we still debating flint? that's the point..Clinton would've done same as Obama did while he had the opportunity..nothing.
You guys are crying about debate questions. Flint was a question.

Saying Clinton won because of debate questions I'd absolutely retarded
flint? why are we still debating flint? that's the point..Clinton would've done same as Obama did while he had the opportunity..nothing.
This is the problem with low information voters like yourself. You don't know shit but continue to talk as you do. So how is it Obama's fault for Flint ? and why would others put the blame on the Repuke party. Bad enough that you don't understand how to vote, you add stupidity by your ignorance. Do you pride yourself on being a dumb female who seeks attention. Get help ASAP
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A comedy of errors all to save a buck for a broken system. A let down by establishment politics from both Republican and Democrat same ole same ole. Perpetrated on poor people that got left behind. The have nots. That's what caused the Flint water situation. And if any of you think the Democratic establsihment and Clinton was going to bat against that and fight the good fight...you all deserve what you get because the have nots are sick and tired of not being heard. Sanders was the only realistic candidate that was worth a damn...for me and my people. The system needs a shake up. A level playing field. Thats why morons voted for Trump. Thats why Sanders' voice was heard. People responded to Sanders and his message quite loudly. Why Clinton did not get elected? Between Trumpets and Sanders supporters...Hillary Clinton represents everything that is wrong with the whole shabang. And I voted for the liar. Still upset with myself. But at the time...it was either her...or what we got...which in retrospect...was a losers boogie all the way around.
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This is the problem with low information voters like yourself. You don't know shit but continue to talk as you do. So how is it Obama's fault for Flint ? and why would others put the blame on the Repuke party. Bad enough that you don't understand how to vote, you add stupidity by your ignorance. Do you pride yourself on being a dumb female who seeks attention. Get help ASAP

um, there's no space between flint and a question mark?
Cmon. You sore losers just cant stand it. Admit it. You backed a LOSER and one HORRIBLE candidate. With the way its set up...Sanders had no chance of running against Trump in the general. The whole system was NOT going to let him do it. From you fools...to the media..to the DNC. YOU ALL PUT YOUR FULL SUPPORT BEHIND A BAD CANDIDATE AND SHE ACTUALLY LOST TO A FUKING CLOWN. Thats the truth. Bottom line end of story. Dont you think (clearly for one second) that if it were any one other than Clinton...say Biden?...that Trump would of been CRUSHED??? CMON.

A comedy of errors all to save a buck for a broken system. A let down by establishment politics from both Republican and Democrat same ole same ole. Perpetrated on poor people that got left behind. The have nots. That's what caused the Flint water situation. And if any of you think the Democratic establsihment and Clinton was going to bat against that and fight the good fight...you all deserve what you get because the have nots are sick and tired of not being heard. Sanders was the only realistic candidate that was worth a damn...for me and my people. The system needs a shake up. A level playing field. Thats why morons voted for Trump. Thats why Sanders' voice was heard. People responded to Sanders and his message quite loudly. Why Clinton did not get elected? Between Trumpets and Sanders supporters...Hillary Clinton represents everything that is wrong with the whole shabang. And I voted for the liar. Still upset with myself. But at the time...it was either her...or what we got...which in retrospect...was a losers boogie all the way around.
Wow, so it was the Democrats fault that a Republican governor and his Republican controlled government forced Flint to switch water supply. Its Democrats fault that Republican governor and his Republican controlled government suppressed testing and denied test results. It's Democrats fault. You are maybe laying equal share of blame? Can you specifically name an action taken by Democrats that even account for a delay?

The EPA got involved long before test results came available too.

When the crisis came to a head and an Obama controlled EPA brought the issue to light, Republican controlled congress refused to fund any help.

If you look at recent actions to quash the EPA and environmental regulations, Republicans are doing to the country and the EPA what they did to Flint. Do you actually think Flint is worse off if a Democratic controlled congress were here instead of what we have?
Cmon. You sore losers just cant stand it. Admit it. You backed a LOSER and one HORRIBLE candidate. With the way its set up...Sanders had no chance of running against Trump in the general. The whole system was NOT going to let him do it. From you fools...to the media..to the DNC. YOU ALL PUT YOUR FULL SUPPORT BEHIND A BAD CANDIDATE AND SHE ACTUALLY LOST TO A FUKING CLOWN. Thats the truth. Bottom line end of story. Dont you think (clearly for one second) that if it were any one other than Clinton...say Biden?...that Trump would of been CRUSHED??? CMON.

Fair point. People that supported Hillary during the primary like @Chezus backed a candidate that was incapable of beating Trump...the most unpopular candidate to EVER run for potus. Thanks for Trump Chezus!!

How tone def did one have to be to not see this coming?? Obama won twice on a message of CHANGE, so these dum-dums back the most establishment candidate ever? Now we’re all stuck with Trump because of it.

Wow, so it was the Democrats fault that a Republican governor and his Republican controlled government forced Flint to switch water supply. Its Democrats fault that Republican governor and his Republican controlled government suppressed testing and denied test results. It's Democrats fault. You are maybe laying equal share of blame? Can you specifically name an action taken by Democrats that even account for a delay?

The EPA got involved long before test results came available too.

When the crisis came to a head and an Obama controlled EPA brought the issue to light, Republican controlled congress refused to fund any help.

If you look at recent actions to quash the EPA and environmental regulations, Republicans are doing to the country and the EPA what they did to Flint. Do you actually think Flint is worse off if a Democratic controlled congress were here instead of what we have?
Was anything I said incorrect?

I followed this issue as best I could. Flint was put under Republican controlled state government and forced to switch to the Flint river supply. Well before the switch-over an engineering review clearly pointed out that water treatment didn't include equipment to add chemicals that would protect the passivation layer in the lead pipes. The Republican controlled oversight team refused to spend a few hundred thousand dollars on equipment. The whole thing blew up when acidic Flint water rotted lead pipes. It was completely unnecessary because the only reason to switch away from safe water supply was to save a minor amount of money.

Republican controlled congress is balking at any idea that federal dollars should pay for pipe replacement and Michigan government which is controlled by Republicans are more interested in cutting spending than public health.

What have I gotten wrong?
Before any State takeover of the City government...Mayor Walling and City Council were looking at proposals to get off the Detroit pipeline and pull water out of the Flint River. A year before to be exact. The entire Democratic led City government was for it before anyone from Lansing took the reigns away from them.
Before any State takeover of the City government...Mayor Walling and City Council were looking at proposals to get off the Detroit pipeline and pull water out of the Flint River. A year before to be exact. The entire Democratic led City government was for it before anyone from Lansing took the reigns away from them.
Flint was put under receivership in 2011. Water supply was changed in 2014, about 3 years after Republicans took control.

That said, based on your prompt, I checked and you are right. A backup plant was put in place and actually was used in 2007 to pump Flint River water when the main water supply line from Lake Huron was under repair. Lake Huron water was put back on line and continued to be used until 2014.


City officials also have said they would like to continue to expand the water plant so that it would have the ability to serve as a primary water source or at least give the city leverage in negotiating rates with Detroit.

"It will be as safe as it possibly can be," said Mike Glasgow, laboratory and water quality supervisor for the plant. "I just hope the residents don't worry too much."

Some sensitive palates may notice the water isn't softened and there could be the slightest scent of chlorine, but city officials maintain the water is perfectly safe to drink.

Still some residents remained wary of the thought of gulping down a glass of water that originated in the notorious Flint River -- where untreated sewage sometimes spills and dead bodies occasionally turn up.

"I've had a glass. It tastes good," Flint Utilities Director Bob Misekow said.

Yuck. I get your point. I'd be angry too. I fail to see how Democrats have an equal share in responsibility to the response in the crisis but that city's water supply was mismanaged long before then by Democrats.
A comedy of errors all to save a buck for a broken system. A let down by establishment politics from both Republican and Democrat same ole same ole. Perpetrated on poor people that got left behind. The have nots. That's what caused the Flint water situation. And if any of you think the Democratic establsihment and Clinton was going to bat against that and fight the good fight...you all deserve what you get because the have nots are sick and tired of not being heard. Sanders was the only realistic candidate that was worth a damn...for me and my people. The system needs a shake up. A level playing field. Thats why morons voted for Trump. Thats why Sanders' voice was heard. People responded to Sanders and his message quite loudly. Why Clinton did not get elected? Between Trumpets and Sanders supporters...Hillary Clinton represents everything that is wrong with the whole shabang. And I voted for the liar. Still upset with myself. But at the time...it was either her...or what we got...which in retrospect...was a losers boogie all the way around.

so did i and many others..I didn't want what's happening now to happen, however she sealed her fate with the cheat; people aren't stupid. Given the circumstances though, it was the correct choice.

@Padawanbater2 who did you vote? I don't remember you saying.
so did i and many others..I didn't want what's happening now to happen, however she sealed her fate with the cheat; people aren't stupid. Given the circumstances though, it was the correct choice.
first you did and then you didn't, now you did again.
Damn I know it is a womens right to be indecisive, but I thought that was for clothes and shoes
Fair point. People that supported Hillary during the primary like @Chezus backed a candidate that was incapable of beating Trump...the most unpopular candidate to EVER run for potus. Thanks for Trump Chezus!!

How tone def did one have to be to not see this coming?? Obama won twice on a message of CHANGE, so these dum-dums back the most establishment candidate ever? Now we’re all stuck with Trump because of it.

Something I don't understand in all this bashing of Democrats is why you and padashystikk think the country, which has consistently voted for conservatives in most states, will suddenly vote for liberals if only Sanders and his policies were put in front of them?