EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Bush never left his grow lights on like some I know who did the Holy Burning Bush thingie. :mrgreen:

Bush was a great man of fine character. Loved Laura too. She had a lot of class versus Michelle in her sleeveless Walmart dresses.

The classy couple! :clap:



Yah sah, luv dem shoos! :lol:



You just don't like Michelle Obama because she has way more class than you and is black.
:roll:You just don't like Michelle Obama because she has way more class than you and is black.
The dude making fun of her clothes tells you everything you need to know about the person behind the keyboard. Housewives do that shit, he's a low information dude who loves him some Fox News and tv dinners, those kinds of people are scattered all throughout the midwest, they keep Tyson™ and the Kardashians in business
Yeah Laura was such a bitch, that she ran a stop sign whilst speeding and killed someone.

Laura Bush was a teen, unmarried who made a mistake as opposed to that sleezeball Senator Kennedy who become entangled in a tragic car accident that resulted in the death of former Robert Kennedy campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne. The Senator struggled to follow his own moral compass and simultaneously protect his family’s legacy, all while simply trying to keep his own political ambitions alive.

Now, what was your (stupid) point again?

Geez....you cheesey liberals.
The dude making fun of her clothes tells you everything you need to know about the person behind the keyboard. Housewives do that shit, he's a low information dude who loves him some Fox News and tv dinners, those kinds of people are scattered all throughout the midwest, they keep Tyson™ and the Kardashians in business
I was thinking the same thing. What man cares so much about women clothing. That's a female thing
Laura Bush was a teen, unmarried who made a mistake as opposed to that sleezeball Senator Kennedy who become entangled in a tragic car accident that resulted in the death of former Robert Kennedy campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne. The Senator struggled to follow his own moral compass and simultaneously protect his family’s legacy, all while simply trying to keep his own political ambitions alive.

Now, what was your (stupid) point again?

Geez....you cheesey liberals.
Oh so now you switch from Obama to Kennedy. You all over the place failing to make a point.
The dude making fun of her clothes tells you everything you need to know about the person behind the keyboard. Housewives do that shit, he's a low information dude who loves him some Fox News and tv dinners, those kinds of people are scattered all throughout the midwest, they keep Tyson™ and the Kardashians in business

Yeah and then @Uncle Ben posts a picture of her in another dress saying "OMG LOOK AT HOW SHE DRESSES!" This is literally what bougie basic bitches say, hahaha. Little does he know that the Queen broke her own royal protocol when meeting Michelle Obama and hugged her; the two are friends.
I just want to highlight how lame this response is; it's basic bitch lame. I'm beginning to wonder if Uncle Ben is really a dude, or just an old housewife.

the way his old man balls droop, probably looks like an old lady carrying two bowling balls in a garbage bag
Yeah Laura was such a bitch, that she ran a stop sign whilst speeding and killed someone. I will take a sleeveless Michelle over a murdering bitch all day. George Bush was a coke head and an alcoholic. George W. Bush was arrested for cocaine possession in 1972, but had his record expunged with help from his family’s political connections. He also has a DUI on his record.
classy couple! :clap:

My uncles cousin married a professor from Yale, I asked him a couple years ago when he sees him to ask just how dumb W was.. He said everyone breaks his balls all the time about it, dude been telling the story for years n he's ashamed he passed this clown..never showed up to class n scored poorly on every exam..the Bush family donated so much $ to the university that he was afraid to fail him n not get tenured.