Well-Known Member
And you know i dont shy away from the concept of class warfare. not one bit! there was a time period that labor and big wealth squabled for squable sake but really where rowing together at end of day and both where better off. that was the era every GM worker proudly wore their "heartbeat of America" jackets everywhere. Workers were proud of where they worked, they where loyal to them and their employer was to them. And not to spund like donald trump or a 5 year old but they started the class warfare again. we where happy making a fair living and them being wealthy. then when wealth wastnt enough and they figured if they could shrink our share they could keep more... we are fighting class warfare from a defensive stance. we need Bernie to bring us back together and once formed back up, go on offensive in class warfare.
I could not agree more; our social contract was broken along with the unions and passing tax cuts for the rich in the 1980s under Reagan. The ball has been rolling downhill for the middle class ever since.
This must end, and the only way it ends is by outlawing big money in politics.
I propose that political contributions be made only by registered voters and that any other entity is ineligible (like foreign governments under today's rules!) under pain of severe and mandatory punishment of those responsible. The maximum individual contribution must be no more than one day's pay at the national median wage, so as to be affordable by all.
At base, our country is being bought and therefore run by those who bought themselves the right to corrupt our system 'legally'. Until this situation is righted, WE DO NOT HAVE DEMOCRACY. The most recent election is proof enough of that.
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