Embraces, more like pilfers. Glad to see sanders fuck off the wicked witch.
You just dont know when to leave it alone floor shitter.
No, Jill is better. Besides, voting for her is not a wasted ballot like writing in Bernie who is now confirmed to be planning an event in coordination between his campaign and Clinton's, in which he will finally endorse her.Bernie is still the BEST choice.
"I think at the end of the day, there is going to be a coming together, and we're going to go forward together and not only defeat Trump, but defeat him badly," he said.
MSNBC's Chris Hayes then asked, "You're not denying the report that there are talks about a possible endorsement?"
Sanders replied: "That's correct."
No, Jill is better. Besides, voting for her is not a wasted ballot like writing in Bernie who is now confirmed to be planning an event in coordination between his campaign and Clinton's, in which he will finally endorse her.
Sorry it will end this way, but Jill Stein is still gaining in popularity.
welcome to my ignore list tweaker.
Why don't you put that white hate energy to work and get a fucking job. You're illegal weed sales isn't paying enough disability and welfare benefits to the people that need them. Contribute.
So youre saying he pays taxes and operates within state law, highly unlikely. People move here so they can hide behind law and break them at any chance of profiting without the hazard of getting popped, Its cowardly I know .He's in a legal state.
Yeah.Did Jill negotiate free college for all?
Bernie is still the better candidate.
http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/sanders-endorsement-chatter-225198Sanders confirms endorsement chatter
Bernie Sanders confirmed on Wednesday night that he is in discussions with the Hillary Clinton campaign about a potential endorsement of her candidacy, adding that he anticipates a “coming together” of the two campaigns. “You’re not denying the report that there are talks about a possible endorsement?” Hayes asked. Sanders replied: “That’s correct.”
AND to cancel all student debt, before Bernie was cool. You're aware Bernie is not only voting for her, but confirmed he will endorse Hillary Clinton???
There's a time to fight and a time to just let it go, your boy is with Hillary.
No, you can't find a time Jill has ever lied and cite her claim, then cite its falsehood. Maybe you're confusing Jill with Hill. I'm not attacking Bernie, I'm just showing you that he is not running for president, that he has confirmed he is not only voting for Hillary Clinton, but endorsing her now too. I actually really like Bernie Sanders, except for his ridiculous attachment to the DNC, but Jill Stein is in fact a better candidate and is in fact running for president.and guess what AC? there is NOTHING..NOTHING, that can make her keep this or any other promise.
Not even Sanders.
She LIES so much, I can't TRUST that she will.
This is a plank in the platform of many..something major would have to be done prior to show 'good faith'.
like canning that cunt DWS.