EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I don't think you are being sarcastic..but that's exactly what all these hoops are for.. To discourage people from voting..it should be easy as hell and quick to cast a vote every 4 years.

Agreed, but you should still have to have proper identification to do so.

Reaching back a couple decades for a high school student council vote. Entire student body had to re-vote because there was more votes than there were students. Derp derp derp.
What if the government, at any level, impedes one's ability to get such identification? This happens constantly in this country.
My beef is 45% of the country is independent.. Each party is trying to lock you into one of the awful choices or make it very difficult to vote..its disgusting
And to think what the general is going to be like once everyone gets to vote.

I know this is like your first time voting, but we did go through something like this in 2008. Then it was the Clinton crowd acting pissed off claiming to never vote for Obama. Clinton went all the way to Cali not giving up. Then the grown people realize that Obama will be the Dem nomination. Obama ended up beating the breaks off McCain.
I hope you become one of the grown people