EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
In the primary you speak to the base.
In the general you speak to the country.
For 8 years the right has been warning about socialism.
In Sanders They have their prophecy.
Yeah, I'd like to see this country move towards democratic socialism as seen in Sweden or Denmark. Canadian socialized health care system is a lot better for the 99% than ours. So, yeah, put the 1% on notice. Democratic socialism is coming.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd like to see this country move towards democratic socialism as seen in Sweden or Denmark. Canadian socialized health care system is a lot better for the 99% than ours. So, yeah, put the 1% on notice. Democratic socialism is coming.
Me too.
A self described socialist isn't going to do it though


Well-Known Member
Me too.
A self described socialist isn't going to do it though
The very polls you rely on to tell us that Mrs Clinton is winning also tell us that Mr Sanders' performance against ANY republican contender turns your logic upside down.

You can't be on both sides of that fence at once, you'll get splinters in your ass.


Well-Known Member
The very polls you rely on to tell us that Mrs Clinton is winning also tell us that Mr Sanders' performance against ANY republican contender turns your logic upside down.

You can't be on both sides of that fence at once, you'll get splinters in your ass.
I like Sanders'
I hate Clinton
However I believe CLinton has a better chance in November and anything is better than the shit sandwich the Republicuunts are serving up right now.


Well-Known Member
I like Sanders'
I hate Clinton
However I believe CLinton has a better chance in November and anything is better than the shit sandwich the Republicuunts are serving up right now.
I agree with all the above, except Mrs Clinton having a better chance against the eventual republican nominee than Mr Sanders.

Polls are very clear on this exact point; Mr Sanders would beat any given republican contender by a wider margin than Mrs Clinton.

More subjectively but still important, the conversations I've had with registered democrats in my centrist locale bear this out; many of them would rather sit on their hands than vote for Mrs Clinton... which is exactly how a right winger would be most likely to find himself in the White House.


Well-Known Member
Won 7 of the last 8 states, he's got the momentum.. Let's see NY n Pennsylvania feel the Bern.
Momentum counts for a lot, but not everything. I'd like to see the convention engineers walk back that momentum and try to cram Mrs Clinton down our throats.

It will be an ugly sight.


Well-Known Member
We'll do it together! Build a movement!
It's already begun!

People are tired of establishment politics on both sides. I just read a report that said president Obama endorsed Debbie Wasserman Schultz and right after that her opponent, Tim Canova raised $100K from small donors averaging $20. He's running in her district against her so if he wins, she's gone. This guy is an actual progressive, he was part of Sanders team in 2011. This is happening everywhere right now.


Well-Known Member
I like Sanders'
I hate Clinton
However I believe CLinton has a better chance in November and anything is better than the shit sandwich the Republicuunts are serving up right now.
Why are you supporting Ted Cruz? Hillary is the only person that can unite the GOP and get Cruz elected.

The Democrats Are Flawlessly Executing a 10-Point Plan to Lose the 2016 Presidential Election


1. Assume that Donald Trump will be the Republicans’ 2016 nominee, though it’s now clear he won’t be.

Republican pundits agree: Trump will come up short of the 1,237 delegates he needs to clinch the Republican nomination prior to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

2. Nominate the only person who can reunite the Republican Party once Trump failing to get the nomination has fractured it beyond repair.

Hillary Clinton is one of the least popular major-party politicians in America, and her disapproval rating is not just sky-high among Republicans — we already knew that — but is in fact a long-time institutional motivator for the entire Republican Party.

Nothing unites Republicans quite like hatred of the Clintons. If Trump’s supporters are denied seeing their favored candidate win the nomination despite his lead in delegates earned through primaries and caucuses — and make no mistake, they will be so denied — their impulse to bolt the Republican Party completely will (and can) only be stopped by a Clinton candidacy.

Hillary Clinton is, in short, the only savior the Republican Party has left.

So the Democrats are working as hard as they can to nominate her, of course.

There are 8 more talking points in the article. Hillary will not be the presumptive heir to Obama in the case of a Cruz or Kasich ticket on the other side. Trump would of course be an albatross to the GOP and it's looking less likely that he's going to be on the ticket in October.


Well-Known Member
It's already begun!

People are tired of establishment politics on both sides. I just read a report that said president Obama endorsed Debbie Wasserman Schultz and right after that her opponent, Tim Canova raised $100K from small donors averaging $20. He's running in her district against her so if he wins, she's gone. This guy is an actual progressive, he was part of Sanders team in 2011. This is happening everywhere right now.
Ooooooooh I like!


Well-Known Member
Why are you supporting Ted Cruz? Hillary is the only person that can unite the GOP and get Cruz elected.

The Democrats Are Flawlessly Executing a 10-Point Plan to Lose the 2016 Presidential Election


1. Assume that Donald Trump will be the Republicans’ 2016 nominee, though it’s now clear he won’t be.

Republican pundits agree: Trump will come up short of the 1,237 delegates he needs to clinch the Republican nomination prior to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

2. Nominate the only person who can reunite the Republican Party once Trump failing to get the nomination has fractured it beyond repair.

Hillary Clinton is one of the least popular major-party politicians in America, and her disapproval rating is not just sky-high among Republicans — we already knew that — but is in fact a long-time institutional motivator for the entire Republican Party.

Nothing unites Republicans quite like hatred of the Clintons. If Trump’s supporters are denied seeing their favored candidate win the nomination despite his lead in delegates earned through primaries and caucuses — and make no mistake, they will be so denied — their impulse to bolt the Republican Party completely will (and can) only be stopped by a Clinton candidacy.

Hillary Clinton is, in short, the only savior the Republican Party has left.

So the Democrats are working as hard as they can to nominate her, of course.

There are 8 more talking points in the article. Hillary will not be the presumptive heir to Obama in the case of a Cruz or Kasich ticket on the other side. Trump would of course be an albatross to the GOP and it's looking less likely that he's going to be on the ticket in October.
Zeitgeist, NAILED.


Well-Known Member
There's no way the democrats can lose this presidential election.
Nominate Mrs Clinton and they might yet snatch defeat from the very jaws of victory. o_O

The more I think about the article that @Fogdog pasted above, the more I think it's a very real and therefore scary possibility.


Well-Known Member
Nominate Mrs Clinton and they might yet snatch defeat from the very jaws of victory. o_O

The more I think about the article that @Fogdog pasted above, the more I think it's a very real and therefore scary possibility.
It's a possibility, but it's way more likely that Hillary will beat either Trump or Cruz. I just can't see either of them winning. Even a lot of republicans will vote for Clinton.


Well-Known Member
I don't see any scenario where a Republican wins this election, Bush-Cheyney took a wrecking ball to that party and they still haven't recovered... As unlikable and phony Clinton is ..she could still trounce Kasich, Trump or Cruz in a General Election.


Well-Known Member
It's a possibility, but it's way more likely that Hillary will beat either Trump or Cruz. I just can't see either of them winning. Even a lot of republicans will vote for Clinton.
The data I've seen tend to support the suggestion that Mrs Clinton will both rally the Republican base out of hatred for her and cause a sizeable fraction of 'Bernie or bust' democrats to stay home.

Whether either trend or even both combined would be enough for the upset is of course the current topic for debate, but I plan to vote my heart and conscience. That's not Mrs Clinton, fine establishmentarian line toer that she would no doubt make.