EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
When will this thread be changed to an official recipe thread ?
We can even ask a mod to change the title to " Feel The Burn " or " Burn baby Burn ".
I have lots and lots of delicious recipes to makes this "Feel The Burn recipe" thread a lasting success.
Sanders will not be POTUS in 2016, time we realize it and at least make him proud with great tasting recipes.
a mod will not change the title, retard..did you count your quarters this morning?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hardly, bro. I've said since March 2014 that I thought Clinton would win the nomination

You coming in here and making snide remarks to agitate people is pointless

Your contention is that young people are voting for Sanders only because they want "free college" (doesn't sound too far off of conservative talking points we hear around here regularly). So prove it if you believe you're right, where's your evidence?
There's no such thing as a "free government program", there are consequences.

People are voting for Bernie Sanders because they believe in two opposing things at once and think the statement I made above is inaccurate. They are wrong.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
All of which may be true, yet fails to describe EVERY Bernie supporter, by a wide margin.

We do indeed have widespread voter suppression going on and it needs to be exposed.

Yes, because it's important that ALL slaves have the equal opportunity to chose their master and the master of the other slaves.


Well-Known Member
I cannot stand Clinton. I think she has been running for office since college. People like that scare me. I like Sanders. But let's face reality. He isn't going to win.
Our only choice is Clinton. So when you say if Sanders loses You are going to write him in. You sound like a delusional, self destructive Paulbot.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I cannot stand Clinton. I think she has been running for office since college. People like that scare me. I like Sanders. But let's face reality. He isn't going to win.
Our only choice is Clinton. So when you say if Sanders loses You are going to write him in. You sound like a delusional, self destructive Paulbot.
So what do you win, when the person you can't stand is your next master?


Well-Known Member
I cannot stand Clinton. I think she has been running for office since college. People like that scare me. I like Sanders. But let's face reality. He isn't going to win.
Our only choice is Clinton. So when you say if Sanders loses You are going to write him in. You sound like a delusional, self destructive Paulbot.
I like how you call the strength of one's convictions 'delusional'. I'm beginning to wonder if you have any at all? If you do, you've done an excellent job of hiding them, at least from me.


Well-Known Member
I cannot stand Clinton. I think she has been running for office since college. People like that scare me. I like Sanders. But let's face reality. He isn't going to win.
Our only choice is Clinton. So when you say if Sanders loses You are going to write him in. You sound like a delusional, self destructive Paulbot.
and yet you LIKE sanders..perhaps you should've voted him in your primary.

unless you've had your head in the sand..there's been voter suppression from all angles regarding sanders..you see, he IS the preferred candidate once you KNOW he's running..if you would have read some of the articles i've posted you will understand..these articles explain how media is way more manipulative that just 'blackout'.

and your good with this? some of you men really need to grow a pair..and don't use the SC justice crutch..one has died and will be replaced by the CURRENT administration..we still have one.


Well-Known Member
unless you've had your head in the sand..there's been voter suppression from all angles regarding sanders..you see, he IS the preferred candidate once you KNOW he's running..if you would have read some of the articles i've posted you will understand..these articles explain how media is way more manipulative that just 'blackout'.
I winder what will happen when the American public realizes it's been railroaded? If we collectively shrug our shoulders and say, 'whatever', then we will deserve the tyranny we get.


Well-Known Member
a mod will not change the title, retard..did you count your quarters this morning?
You can get your title changed for a good reason. Like misspellings and such. I think changing it to a recipe thread is a good reason and would be very helpful.
Yesterday was quarters and bills counting day. Have to make sure the machines are ready for the weekend. Will count again either Monday or Tuesday.
FYI- 20,000 quarters is worth 5000 dollars. 40,000 and you have 10,000.


Well-Known Member
and yet you LIKE sanders..perhaps you should've voted him in your primary.

unless you've had your head in the sand..there's been voter suppression from all angles regarding sanders..you see, he IS the preferred candidate once you KNOW he's running..if you would have read some of the articles i've posted you will understand..these articles explain how media is way more manipulative that just 'blackout'.

and your good with this? some of you men really need to grow a pair..and don't use the SC justice crutch..one has died and will be replaced by the CURRENT administration..we still have one.
if only the media would cover Ron Paul...

Exactly like a paulbot

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I winder what will happen when the American public realizes it's been railroaded? If we collectively shrug our shoulders and say, 'whatever', then we will deserve the tyranny we get.

Have you figured out yet how a person like Bernie can be "against big banks" and still continue to vote for the benefit of them when he voted to extend the debt ceiling multiple times?

Have you figured out how Bernie can be against "the military industrial complex" and votes multiple times to fund the Pentagon and jealously guards the stupid F-35 program in Vermont ?

Have you figured out how when both sides of a Politicians mouth YOU are being railroaded ?

Chooo chooo the Bernie train is coming....right in every fools mouth that votes for him !


Well-Known Member
Have you figured out yet how a person like Bernie can be "against big banks" and still continue to vote for the benefit of them when he voted to extend the debt ceiling multiple times?

Have you figured out how Bernie can be against "the military industrial complex" and votes multiple times to fund the Pentagon and jealously guards the stupid F-35 program in Vermont ?

Have you figured out how when both sides of a Politicians mouth YOU are being railroaded ?

Chooo chooo the Bernie train is coming....right in every fools mouth that votes for him !
Have you figured out that bills have more than one objective?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Have you figured out that bills have more than one objective?

I've figured out you are so stricken with your boyfriend Bernie, that when he cheats on you, you make excuses for him and succumb to your emotional capture and get all Stockholm Syndromey.

Bernie loves the military industrial complex, when it delivers him votes.