EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


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to stay the fuck out of it..that's the plan, warmongerer.

what does trump think..anyone?..his balls shrunk back and he deferred comment:lol:

past performance is indicator of future action..it's that simple.
"Stay out of it" That's Bernie's official position on Americans being attacked? How does that work, we just ignore threats until they go away? If what you claim is true, he's even dumber than I thought.


Well-Known Member
"Stay out of it" That's Bernie's official position on Americans being attacked? How does that work, we just ignore threats until they go away? If what you claim is true, he's even dumber than I thought.
A Global Threat That Must Be Stopped: ISIS is an incredibly dangerous, powerful, and barbaric organization. For the sake of people in the Middle East and all over the world, they must be stopped.

We Must Learn From the War In Iraq: In terms of lives lost, injured soldiers, monetary costs, and lasting effects in the region, the Iraq War was a disaster. We need to learn from it so we don’t make the same mistakes twice.

A Coalition is Required: The United States cannot and should not lead the effort to defeat ISIS on its own. There are enough capable military powers in the region, and the coalition should be led by Middle Eastern allies.



Well-Known Member
A Global Threat That Must Be Stopped: ISIS is an incredibly dangerous, powerful, and barbaric organization. For the sake of people in the Middle East and all over the world, they must be stopped.

We Must Learn From the War In Iraq: In terms of lives lost, injured soldiers, monetary costs, and lasting effects in the region, the Iraq War was a disaster. We need to learn from it so we don’t make the same mistakes twice.

A Coalition is Required: The United States cannot and should not lead the effort to defeat ISIS on its own. There are enough capable military powers in the region, and the coalition should be led by Middle Eastern allies.

amazing what happens when a person googles for information (besides pornography of fat women eating cheeseburgers) and then reads it, like a literate person might do.


Well-Known Member
This just in
Clinton is still winning all the states that aren't totally 100% white
Congradulations on winning Idaho and Utah Bernie


Well-Known Member
Clinton just announced she is going to pay for illegal immigrants healthcare. With your money of course. And why would we ever consider building a wall cause free health care is not something anyone from Mexico would want or need. They will all immediately auto deport I am sure....

This just in... Clinton offers to give away more of our stuff than Bernie!!!


Well-Known Member
Clinton just announced she is going to pay for illegal immigrants healthcare. With your money of course. And why would we ever consider building a wall cause free health care is not something anyone from Mexico would want or need. They will all immediately auto deport I am sure....

This just in... Clinton offers to give away more of our stuff than Bernie!!!
Do you know what else they're spending my money on?

The Navy’s New $4.4 Billion Ship Is A Big, Shiny Waste Of Money



Well-Known Member
Because the Military Industrial Complex has learned that the American taxpayer will always foot the bill if you bribe our politicians enough.
well not exactly..we are forced to foot the bill through alternative minimum tax while profitable corps pay NO taxes and hide their money offshore.

ooooooooh say can you see? by the dawns early light..


Well-Known Member
well not exactly..we are forced to foot the bill through alternative minimum tax while profitable corps pay NO taxes and hide their money offshore.

ooooooooh say can you see? by the dawns early light..
What is profit for a corporation? Where exactly does that go? You do realize that everyone working at the company has already been paid right?


Well-Known Member
I am not proposing to eliminate the government Cheesus. I am not an ideolog like Rob Roy.

I am proposing eliminating 90% of the federal government. The states were running schools when they actually worked before the feds got involved.