Excessive humidity


Active Member
The leaves on my clones and seedlings were too thin and kind of wrinkled.

Did some research and found out that the humidity was too high.

I improved ventilation and lowered the humidity.

My question is this - when should I expect to see some improvement in those leaves??? Will they be ok in the long run? (They are about a month old).


New Member
i've never had a high humidity problem. but as a rule, damaged leaves do not repair themselves. when the plant gets new growth and vigor returns you will know it has recovered. i usually prune off dead or dieing leaves after the recovery so that any new problem is spotted immediately.

good luck.


Well-Known Member
I live in an unheated basement (don't ask) yesterday here on the east coast in U.S. it rained hard and I found out it also floods! so thereare huge puddles all thru my gro room I always run a dehumidifer in there anyhow (tthe exhaust is a balmy 68 degrees so it also heats the room killing two birds with one stone), but when it fills up )and there have been times it's been full for over ten hours) I can actually nitoce a droop in their leaves as they sit in all that dampness all day long, till I get to them and empty the dehum. bucket. or maybe it's the chill, too, not too sure on that just thought of that one.

jay cas

Well-Known Member
as long as the leaves are not mutated in some way or wrinkled more than half way, they should rebound and fully recover