Excessive drooping?


Active Member
yeah that looks pretty droppy and very weak. what lighting system are you using? how often do you water?? it looks like you have overwatered:cry:


Active Member
Less water (flood the fucker when it's dry as a bone, though), and keep a gentle breeze on it to improve the main stem. Get a few daylight CFLS on her and she'll be fine in 2 weeks. Promise.


Well-Known Member
Does The Little Miss Have A Fan Blowing On/around Her, She Needs To Have A Little Wiggle Because Of This, This Will Strengthen Her... If There Is Already One...then Mrs. J's Questions Need To Be Addressed. Db.:) Othier Than That U Got One Going, Lets Splain How Its Done To Her, Around Here On The Riu. She'll Listen And Catch Up Real Quick... Look She's Listening Now...shshshshs! "the Plant Wisper-er" Lol