Examples of GOP Leadership

Former President Trump said his defense team has already "won the case by any standard" in the NY v. Trump trial as he called on presiding Judge Juan Merchan to dismiss this case.

"We have a phenomenal case. We've won the case by any standard, any other judge would have thrown this case, any other judge would have thrown this case out. And I think that Juan Merchan would do himself and the state and the city, a great service by doing what everybody knows should be done," Trump said Tuesday morning outside the Manhattan courtroom.


"I will be doing something in the morning and then probably coming back in the afternoon, and we'll be resting pretty quickly. Resting, meaning resting the case. I won't be resting. I don't rest. I'd like to rest sometimes, but I don't get to rest. But we are," Trump added.

King Diaper responds ….
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Make a inflammatory statement to rile up his base. Face backlash. Use your stupid statement as a way to 'own the libs' while hardening your base to what they are hoping is the new trigger word for them "MISINFORMATION/DISINFORMATION". Teaching his cult just enough about it so that when their families try to deprogram them, they can stop listening because 'they heard it all before'.

rinse and repeat.

btw: abortions are a form of birth control.
She was raised in a barn, so it’s probably comforting to her
Considering that the only way a barn would smell like that would be if one or more animals are suffering from terminal digestive imbalance, it ought to panic her.

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Considering that the only way a barn would smell like that would be if one or more animals are suffering from terminal digestive imbalance, it ought to panic her.

That would depend entirely on her stablemates, yes?
We know she’s damaged, we can see & hear it, easily a barnyard upbringing holdover

Could even be the cause of her vicious attacks on those who don’t smell like her…or him

Actually, this has me wondering about Kari Lake & her ultra-cringe fawning over TFFG’s “BDE”…I’d assumed the D stood for “dick”, but maybe he’s got Big Dump Energy, & that’s what’s bringing all the flies to the outhouse
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We got some important constitutional amendments after the Slaver army went home, but we really should have made certain we had one declaring that this is a UNION, not an assemblage of spare parts, broken toys, dashed hopes, & dreams of aristocracy.

in doing so, we should have made changes to the way we do things governmentally, like eliminating federal deference to state decisions (which enabled Jim Crow for more than a century), like allowing the state sovereignty idea to ferment into the current situation, where partisan dominance of states allows partisan power to wag the national dog, where “private sponsorships“ wield more influence on policy, the economy, our elections, and the work of Congress & the courts than the people who do the bulk of the living, dying, working, & voting

IOW, I guess, it may be time to unify the constitutions of the states so that, anywhere you go in the USA, it’s just like being in the USA; expand SCROTUS to 13 ((current # of circuit courts) so they can drop the ‘R’); and either retire the electoral college, rework it, or replace it
Trump says he’s ‘looking at’ contraception restrictions
“I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly and I think it’s something that you’ll find interesting,” Trump said.
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Another key sign of dementia is using past events to take place of the memories you're using at the moment. When I read up on it a while ago, the brain will naturally try to fill thee voids with a remembered, older memory. Something like that anyways. There's no coming back from this stage. It only gets worse, and he's been doing it for some time now. Hope I'm not repeating myself as I know I've posted about it before.