Examples of GOP Leadership

Commander is a hellion.a secret service nightmare,had a paper route as a kid,been bit and snipped,I've dodged,weaved,and vaulted fences.I'd be plotting my delivery /escape options were Commander on my route,Shephards,Huskies,Boxers,Dobermans,Rottweillers,mixed breeds,and those sneaky little toy dogs that snip your calfs,I';ve encountered them all,thankfully pit bulls weren't popular in the late 70's.Despite this ,I still love dogs.

Been there done that! I delivered the Vancouver Sun for about 2 years and would have 100 papers on Saturdays. There was a retired cop on my route that had a dog like Commander. Never bit me but was always on full alert every time I dropped off the paper. Got nipped a few times but always by little yappy mutts. Kept Milk Bones with me so was friends with almost all the dogs on my route. I made 55¢/mth for every full time paper. Less for Fri or Sat only ones. That was about 1966 - '68 so I was one of the richer kids in the neighbourhood. Got me a little Yamaha 80 to ride with the gang that hung around the corner grocery store. Very popular with the ladies. :)

I lived in Richmond on Lulu Island in the Fraser river next to Vancouver so it was dead flat with no hills which was nice. The Sun was a big thick full sheet paper so sometimes had to make a 2nd trip to the shack to pick up what I couldn't get on the first load.

Saw this on one of those Red Nutzi interviews with habba.

ANGEL PASTE …. * you read it right.
It’s a miracle.

Now try to stomach the “ holier than tho “ review.
Contains holy splooge ?

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Boy do these concession stands in these rallies and redhat powwow’s suck.

Garbage swag . Basically you could go to dollar tree and get a similar product. Lame.
Mmmaybe someone should tell the Church Lady that plant and nut oils are chemicals.
Saw this on one of those Red Nutzi interviews with habba.

ANGEL PASTE …. * you read it right.
It’s a miracle.

Now try to stomach the “ holier than tho “ review.
Contains holy splooge ?

View attachment 5377737View attachment 5377738

Boy do these concession stands in these rallies and redhat powwow’s suck.

Garbage swag . Basically you could go to dollar tree and get a similar product. Lame.
This confirms my opinion that religion is, at its core, marketing.

waiiit. This Jim Jordan?

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It's amazing how conservatives everywhere just can't seem to smell their own stink. Same kind of shit going on here in Alberta with our con party.

Saw this on one of those Red Nutzi interviews with habba.

ANGEL PASTE …. * you read it right.
It’s a miracle.

Now try to stomach the “ holier than tho “ review.
Contains holy splooge ?

View attachment 5377737View attachment 5377738

Boy do these concession stands in these rallies and redhat powwow’s suck.

Garbage swag . Basically you could go to dollar tree and get a similar product. Lame.
Made from angel foreskins.
Look at this piece of shit …..

No character - No Normalcy

How can anyone blindly follow this waste of oxygen ?


Although , I do not feel sympathetic for Ivanka herself - The little dude got shined by the Orange Ogre and that is fucked up.
She is old enough now to feel that way, but I do still feel bad for that little girl who had to deal with shit like having a grown man crush her hand like an abusive asshole that is still deep down in her somewhere.

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