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Seems even the GOP has minimum standards, I mean real minimum.No; it wasn’t the dress.
I suggest he got the boot for lying&stealing and being clumsy about it.
Seems even the GOP has minimum standards, I mean real minimum.No; it wasn’t the dress.
I suggest he got the boot for lying&stealing and being clumsy about it.
It’s a good start.
Too bad the worst of the lot have leadership roles and chair committees. Kick those bastards out and then you’re accomplishing something.
"But at least we do not have pictures of them in drag."it is a good start...according to the rumor ville......Geatz and Mendez (sp) might be on the chopping block cause they are also being investigated by the Ethics committee, we'll see what happens
this does set a very good precendant though.....if your indicted by the courts and found by the Ethics committee for wrong doing...yeah you need to get booted from congress and or the senate
makes me wonder how many ratts are gonna be scuring to keep they're skeletons in the closet so to speak...
"But at least we do not have pictures of them in drag."
Ya' gotta be able to hit the curveball to play in the big leagues.No; it wasn’t the dress.
I suggest he got the boot for lying&stealing and being clumsy about it.
The GOP should adopt the motto “Working daily to gut the republic”.Conservatives call for big business tax cuts while White House backs child tax credit
Tax cuts for big business are once again facing off against the expanded child tax credit (CTC) in the yearly December fight to make last-minute changes to the tax code. Republicans want to see deductions extended for research and development costs, fixed capital investments like machinery and equipment, as well as interest expense.
The White House is leaving open the possibility for a deal, saying that these cuts would be possible if a beefed-up child tax credit (CTC) also makes it into law. “The President strongly believes that any bill that cuts taxes for big corporations must cut taxes for working people and families with children — especially to reduce child poverty,” a White House official told The Hill on Friday, maintaining the position the White House had last year when a similar deal was in the works. “If Congress is going to bring back tax cuts for big corporations, it should restore the Child Tax Credit that helped cut child poverty nearly in half,” the official said. On Wednesday, House Republicans led by Rudy Yakym (R-Ind.) sent a letter to Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) urging the business tax cuts “in any upcoming package by the end of the year.” “We support extending: immediate R&D expensing, full capital expensing, and a pro-growth interest deductibility rule,” the members of Congress wrote.
The members said that while they don’t sit on the Ways and Means Committee, which is Congress’ chief tax-writing committee, they are in support of the proposals of its chair Jason Smith (R-Mo.). A top Republican priority has been to extend many cuts in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), the bulk of which are set to expire in 2025.
On Friday, a Ways and Means Committee Republican aide told The Hill that no end-of-year deal on tax extenders has yet been reached but that the committee is now in “wait-and-see mode.” If a year-end deal on taxes is reached, it isn’t immediately clear how it would be paid for. Both the Republican and Democratic tax priorities are expensive. Permanently extending the three major business provisions desired by Republicans would reduce federal tax revenue by about $724 billion over the next decade before adjusting for changes to production levels, analysts with the Tax Foundation, a Washington think tank, said in a write-up.
“Most of the cost, about $427 billion, is due to the extension of 100-percent bonus depreciation,” they wrote.
The Congressional Budget Office estimated that making the 2021 child credit permanent could cost as much as $1.597 trillion over 10 years.
“Prior [Joint Committee on Taxation] estimates suggest the TCJA changes to the child credit would cost about $85 billion a year if permanently extended, while the [American Rescue Plan Act] changes could cost about $105 billion per year if permanently extended,” the Congressional Research Service wrote in an analysis published last year, when a similar tax credit deal was being debated.
The scope of such a deal, should it materialize, is likely shorter and smaller than a decade-long extension and may only cover the next year, after which major changes to the tax code, due to expirations built into the TCJA, will take effect. Three sources told The Hill that the ballpark figure for the prospective deal is around $100 billion.The 2021 expanded child tax credit lifted millions of American children out of poverty.
“[There were] 3.3 to 3.7 million more children in poverty in [the] months after [the] child tax credit expiration,” researchers with Columbia University wrote in a 2022 report on the efficacy of the expanded CTC. “Once the monthly payments expired, households’ ability to meet their basic needs worsened. Households struggling the most in 2022 were those most likely to have spent their Child Tax Credit on basic needs in 2021,” they wrote. “Absent the payments, families report difficulties covering the cost of food, housing or utility payments, children’s clothing, and more.”
Tax policy advocates are hopeful that a deal has a greater chance of coming together this year compared to last year. “I see increasing pressure for a tax deal by year’s end or in early January,” Adam Ruben, an advocate for the Economic Security Project, told The Hill. “The White House is making clear that their red line hasn’t changed … The path is here for both parties to get what they want.”
Conservatives call for big business tax cuts while White House backs child tax credit
Tax cuts for big business are once again facing off against the expanded child tax credit (CTC) in the yearly December fight to make last-minute changes to the tax code. Republicans want to see ded…
fifyThe GOP should adopt the motto “Working daily to gut the little people of the republic”.
Since a republic (or any state) is 99+% little people…fify
They knew most of this before he was elected. What got him the boot was stealing from high dollar gop donors. (not to mention a couple of sitting house members)The Fascists didn't kick him out of the club for lying or for stealing from his supporters, that's SOP.
He was given the boot because he got caught wearing a dress.
Right.What got him the boot was stealing from high dollar gop donors
Perhaps that man got a wink and a nod from the dark money because they considered him to be effective enough that even with some skim-ola going on*, they were getting value …Right.
If that was reason to be turfed, Diaper Don would have been gone years ago.
I was being facetious about the dress, but the fascists don't want to lose the base, and the base is evangelicals and straight up bigots, neither of whom are down with getting caught doing anything untoward.
Lots of 'em are kinky, but only behind closed doors. When it becomes public, like with Gropey McVape in CO, or with this guy, it becomes an issue.
Santos was supposed to be a showpiece. "Look, we're inclusive. We like the gays". However, he became an embarrassment and his cost outweighed his worth and so he had to go.
GOP/‘conservatism’ has utterly failed to stand strong against Trump in every instance: the very idea that congressional republicans have the spine, the balls, or the brains to even offer a pretense of resistance is ridiculous"What! You are saying Trump is unstable?"
GOP senators feel ambushed by Trump’s policy promises
Former President Trump is creating new political headaches for Republicans locked in a highly competitive battle to win back the Senate majority by making extreme statements on health care, immigration and other issues unlikely to play well with swing voters in key states.
Trump shook up Republicans on Capitol Hill over the weekend by declaring that if elected president he would make another run at repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act.
The comments posted on Trump’s media platform, Truth Social, caught GOP lawmakers off guard because they haven’t had any serious policy discussions recently about getting rid of the landmark health care law, and there’s no consensus within their party on how to replace it.
Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.) admitted he doesn’t know what Trump is talking about.
“I’m for lowering costs and making our health care system more efficient, but I’m not sure — I’d want to know what the proposal is,” he said of Trump’s comments.
Sen. Bill Cassidy (La.), the ranking Republican on the Senate Health Committee, was similarly in the dark.
“It’s a narrowly divided Congress, it’s unlikely to happen,” he said, dismissing the prospect of a push to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a member of the Senate GOP leadership team, said there’s no consensus within his party on how to replace former President Obama’s landmark law.
“Whether we can build a political consensus for something else or not remains to be seen,” he said.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who was one of three GOP senators along with the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) to vote to defeat a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act in 2017, said Tuesday she would not support repealing protections for people with preexisting conditions, a key reform of ObamaCare.
“One of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act that I’ve always strongly supported was the requirement that people with preexisting conditions be covered. So I would not be for repealing that provision,” she said, although she acknowledged “premiums have been very high under the Affordable Care Act.”
Trump’s call to revive the effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare follows sweeping pledges he’s made to end birthright citizenship for the children of immigrants living in the country illegally and to deputize the National Guard to implement mass deportations.
Trump drew criticism last month by claiming the flow of migrants across the southern border is “poisoning the blood of our country.”
His immigration adviser, Stephen Miller, told The New York Times this month that if elected, Trump would “unleash the vast arsenal of federal powers to implement the most spectacular migration crackdown.”
Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who is trying to negotiate a deal with Democrats to stop the flood of migrants across the U.S.-Mexico border, said while Trump’s rhetoric on immigration may play well with the GOP base, it’s likely to be a liability with moderate and independent voters in the general election.
“It’s maybe not words that work,” he said of calls for mass deportations.
“What we’re talking about is reasonable, sustainable policy to keep the country safe,” he added, contrasting the more measured approach he and other Senate Republicans are taking to raise the legal standards for asylum requests and to change humanitarian parole policies.
“To me, honestly, mass deportation is probably good primary rhetoric. Not good general election rhetoric,” he warned. “You have to be careful.”
Tillis urged Trump to run on his record as president and point out that encounters between border patrol and illegal migrants has more than doubled under Biden compared with Trump’s four years in office.
Cornyn, a leading Republican voice on immigration policy, said Senate Republicans won’t necessarily play along with Trump’s immigration vision if he returns to the Oval Office.
“I think one of the things that President Trump learned when he was president is while the president has a lot of power, he’s not the only game in town. Maybe what he’s talking about is more aspirational,” Cornyn said when asked about the prospect of mass deportations.
Earlier this year, Trump pressed House Republicans to impeach President Biden despite a lack of clear evidence of wrongdoing or improper conduct. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Monday voiced the widely shared GOP conventional wisdom when he warned against such an effort. “To impeach Joe Biden in the House, knowing it’s not going to go to the Senate — there’s no point,” he warned on Real America’s Voice. “All it becomes is a political disaster.”
Trump has rattled GOP senators with other proposals, such as his call to pause U.S. assistance to Ukraine until federal agencies turn over to congressional investigators “every scrap” of evidence on what Trump insists are the “corrupt business dealings” of President Biden and his son, Hunter. Senate Republicans led by Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) have championed U.S. support for the war in Ukraine as a top national security priority.
The party that doesn’t control the White House usually follows the lead of its presidential nominee on major policy questions in the run-up to an election. But GOP senators say that’s probably not happening next year if Trump wins the nomination.
“He throws so much spaghetti on the wall, I don’t think any of it really makes any difference,” said Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah). “If Republicans try to defend against all the things he says, that’s all they’d spend their time doing.”
Romney dismissed Trump’s call to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
“I’d love to see his proposal. He served as president for four years, never put a bill forward, never put even an outline of a bill forward,” he said. “If it’s more than an empty promise, put some teeth into it and show us what you got.”
GOP senators feel ambushed by Trump’s policy promises
Former President Trump is creating new political headaches for Republicans locked in a highly competitive battle to win back the Senate majority by making extreme statements on health care, immigra…