Hugo Phurst
Well-Known Member
It's not war if you give it all away.
Peace Through Capitulation
It's not war if you give it all away.
He’s always sounded like a carnival barker to me, & he’s been increasingly unhinged for years, but he’s never sounded this clinically paranoid …like he’s prepping for transorbital insertion or whatever.View attachment 5339483
My daughter, Ivanka, was released from this Fake Letitia James case by the Court of Appeals, but this Trump Hating, Unhinged Judge, who ruled me guilty before this Witch Hunt Trial even started, couldn’t care less about the fact that he was overturned. I also won on Appeal on Statute of Limitations, but he refuses to accept their decision. I truly believe he is CRAZY, but certainly, at a minimum, CRAZED in his hatred of me. This case should have never started, but now must be dismissed. Financial Statements were LOW, NOT HIGH, had a 100% Disclaimer Clause, Banks were fully paid, “on time, on schedule,” with never even a minor default, there was NO VICTIM, EXCEPT ME. Any other Judge in the Country would have thrown this case out on day one. He’s an out of control “Nut Job,” who fined me $10,000 over a ridiculous Gag Order so that the publicity for the day would take over from the fact that Racist James and the Judge’s Star Witness admitted LYING TO CONGRESS on the stand - CASE OVER!
Oct 28, 2023 at 7:05 AM
ABSOLUTELY TYPICALI can see more indictments coming out of this as more comes out on more people.
Trump-loving Lawyer CAUGHT RED-HANDED, Massive SCAM Revealed
When MAGA does not have real evidence to support their “fraud in the election” led to Trump losing theory, they literally just forge it. Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on the prime example Michigan attorney, Stefanie Lambert, who’s been indicted. New text messages just revealed indicate that she instructed the head of Cyber Ninjas an amateur forensic company hired by Arizona Republicans, to lie and say there was fraud and fake ballots used in Arizona when there wasn’t any.
The cult is fully invested and cannot admit wrong and look like the fools they are, so they'll take The Big Lie to the grave.ABSOLUTELY TYPICAL
ONCE I stopped assuming they were just ill-informed or wrong, etc, and considered the possibility of their *actual* witting corruption, “the scales fell from my eyes, and I saw anew.
seriously: they genuinely *can’t* be stupid enough to believe it if they actually THINK about, so of course more flags, pie, mom, USA, etc. Plus Jesus, Inc
They are fighting against a mighty headwind starting tomorrow with Trump's disqualification trial in Colorado and onto next spring with him going down in court during their primaries. Sooner or later MAGA Mike will have to break with Trump or Trump will break him, his ride on the tiger has just begun. I figure 30% of the GOP base will be at Trump's command, even from inside prison, his problem will be prison or jail comes with a pretty big muzzle.ABSOLUTELY TYPICAL
ONCE I stopped assuming they were just ill-informed or wrong, etc, and considered the possibility of their *actual* witting corruption, “the scales fell from my eyes, and I saw anew.
seriously: they genuinely *can’t* be stupid enough to believe it if they actually THINK about, so of course more flags, pie, mom, USA, etc. Plus Jesus, Inc
Donald needs the money, and he will use his base like toilet paper on the way down.