Examples of GOP Leadership

…it would also have given Chump the excuse he needed for the Insurrection act - he’d still be in power…and we’d still be under martial law
or the democrats would have called in the national guard and trump and his cronies would be sitting in cells right now...
some would have followed the office, but i think many more would have refused his obviously illegal orders and stopped him.
there are a lot of good leaders in the national guard.
i could be wrong, but i'd like to think that someone with a record like that wouldn't have blindly followed a clearly illegal order, and indeed would have stopped trump's fuckery...
or the democrats would have called in the national guard and trump and his cronies would be sitting in cells right now...

i could be wrong, but i'd like to think that someone with a record like that wouldn't have blindly followed a clearly illegal order, and indeed would have stopped trump's fuckery...
If Pence had been hung to death in the assault, I doubt the chain of command would have ignored an order to deploy in response: there was a lot of confusion everywhere except among the overthrow forces…invoking the insurrection act in response to an attack which KILLED THE VP very likely wouldn’t have seemed out-of-line in those circumstances. Only serious, sincere doubts among NG command staff about who was up to what could have kept them from rolling out immediately once Pence was dead (or just hanging).

just occurred to me: the election-stealing scheme devised by ChumpCo is just…’plausible deniability’ cranked to 11. We need to stop automatically giving special credence to “Christians”, “republicans”, “patriots”, “white” people. As a culture, we’ve been hardwired to instantly assume christians are good, businessmen are good, patriots understand our history & government, black people are criminals, immigrants are unhealthy thieves.

TOO MANY of those ‘good, sane, honest, responsible citizens’ believe a ton of outright falsehoods based on *nothing* beyond them being told of them, which leaves them completely unmoored, unable to sanely govern their behavior
If Pence had been hung to death in the assault, I doubt the chain of command would have ignored an order to deploy in response: there was a lot of confusion everywhere except among the overthrow forces…invoking the insurrection act in response to an attack which KILLED THE VP very likely wouldn’t have seemed out-of-line in those circumstances. Only serious, sincere doubts among NG command staff about who was up to what could have kept them from rolling out immediately once Pence was dead (or just hanging).

just occurred to me: the election-stealing scheme devised by ChumpCo is just…’plausible deniability’ cranked to 11. We need to stop automatically giving special credence to “Christians”, “republicans”, “patriots”, “white” people. As a culture, we’ve been hardwired to instantly assume christians are good, businessmen are good, patriots understand our history & government, black people are criminals, immigrants are unhealthy thieves.

TOO MANY of those ‘good, sane, honest, responsible citizens’ believe a ton of outright falsehoods based on *nothing* beyond them being told of them, which leaves them completely unmoored, unable to sanely govern their behavior
Having seen the inside of fundamentalist/ dominionist society, I’ve had a couple of those wires cut.

even the red one.

If Pence had been hung to death in the assault, I doubt the chain of command would have ignored an order to deploy in response: there was a lot of confusion everywhere except among the overthrow forces…invoking the insurrection act in response to an attack which KILLED THE VP very likely wouldn’t have seemed out-of-line in those circumstances. Only serious, sincere doubts among NG command staff about who was up to what could have kept them from rolling out immediately once Pence was dead (or just hanging).

just occurred to me: the election-stealing scheme devised by ChumpCo is just…’plausible deniability’ cranked to 11. We need to stop automatically giving special credence to “Christians”, “republicans”, “patriots”, “white” people. As a culture, we’ve been hardwired to instantly assume christians are good, businessmen are good, patriots understand our history & government, black people are criminals, immigrants are unhealthy thieves.

TOO MANY of those ‘good, sane, honest, responsible citizens’ believe a ton of outright falsehoods based on *nothing* beyond them being told of them, which leaves them completely unmoored, unable to sanely govern their behavior
apparently my hardwiring harness was installed upside down...i do give special attention to christians, republicans, patriots and white people, as well as many you didn't list, but the attention they receive couldn't remotely be called credence...
everything that i believed while i was a kid, and a young adult, has turned out to at least be tainted, if not outright putrid...Lawrence O'Donnell may be the only man in America i trust at face value at the moment, and i still try to confirm anything he says about policy.
i'm glad we have to suppose what would have happened, because i'm not certain either way, just that it could have turned out much, much worse than it did.
it shouldn't strike you that much...he didn't do all of the shit martin sheen's character did, he let the country go to shit, barely holding it together with staples and post it notes. on a scale of 1 to 100, trump didn't score over a 20 in any category...except being a treasonous slug...he aced that motherfucker.
our post office is run by a political hack appointed by trump and bureaucratic rules prevent his removal without it becoming some kind of major confrontation, our courts have been packed with politically biased hand picked trump supplicants, business was allowed to run basically uncontrolled for 4 years, and still have way too much leeway. he further gutted the IRS so that he and his rich friends could continue to cheat the country they served out of the taxes they owe...
he's was no fucking martin sheen...

He wasn't even Charlie Sheen!
If Pence had been hung to death in the assault, I doubt the chain of command would have ignored an order to deploy in response: there was a lot of confusion everywhere except among the overthrow forces…invoking the insurrection act in response to an attack which KILLED THE VP very likely wouldn’t have seemed out-of-line in those circumstances. Only serious, sincere doubts among NG command staff about who was up to what could have kept them from rolling out immediately once Pence was dead (or just hanging).

just occurred to me: the election-stealing scheme devised by ChumpCo is just…’plausible deniability’ cranked to 11. We need to stop automatically giving special credence to “Christians”, “republicans”, “patriots”, “white” people. As a culture, we’ve been hardwired to instantly assume christians are good, businessmen are good, patriots understand our history & government, black people are criminals, immigrants are unhealthy thieves.

TOO MANY of those ‘good, sane, honest, responsible citizens’ believe a ton of outright falsehoods based on *nothing* beyond them being told of them, which leaves them completely unmoored, unable to sanely govern their behavior

Those are the groups I look at as being suspect.
More culture war from Rhonda Santis.

all the shit that's wrong with florida...and they gotta go after the drag queens first...
it's over crowded, traffic sucks ass, home prices are outrageous, they have at least one hurricane a year they never seem prepared for at all, they have shitty healthcare, their fucking surgen general is a fucking dr. oz level quack, they have a shitty crime rate, and "constitutional carry", along with the most retarded self defense laws on the entire planet, it's covered in cockroaches, armadillos, rats, and now, apparently, iguanas..
so yeah, definitely get to the drag queens first... :lol:
all the shit that's wrong with florida...and they gotta go after the drag queens first...
it's over crowded, traffic sucks ass, home prices are outrageous, they have at least one hurricane a year they never seem prepared for at all, they have shitty healthcare, their fucking surgen general is a fucking dr. oz level quack, they have a shitty crime rate, and "constitutional carry", along with the most retarded self defense laws on the entire planet, it's covered in cockroaches, armadillos, rats, and now, apparently, iguanas..
so yeah, definitely get to the drag queens first... :lol:
Alligators of Florida United (AFU) would like a word about their exclusion from mention
so what happens if he is disqualified? is there a run off with the democrat who got the most votes and the next highest republican? do the republicans just forfeit and the dems win the seat? is there a whole new race?...seems to me like they should forfeit and the dems get that seat...which would just make it that much harder for them in the house.... :lol:
I agree, they should take the zero & shut up about it.
He took two tabs of total consciousness and it wasn’t actually the Dalai Lama but this annoying imposter.


They keep saying "this sets a dangerous precedent"...How so?
Every president since Nixon has willingly released them, and faced the mandatory audit without once trying to worm out of it...And i imagine any president going forward will do so as well, unless they have as much to hide as trump.
I've never paid much attention to mo brooks, has he always been a Truman Capote level drama queen? "Nothing short of evil."...Again, how
A public servant, whose eight immediate predecessors set both a precedent and an example, to instill trust in the office, bucked a tradition, one of the few good traditions in existence. The President AND the Vice President are ALWAYS audited, every year, but trump acted to gut the IRS for his personal benefit...fought all the way to the fucking supreme court to hide his tax records, only to have them tell him that the law isn't behind him...
And now that's "evil"...
i think perhaps a person in mo brooks' position sending this kind of message might be what is evil. trying to stir the pot, keep things bubbling, set the stage for "mutually assured destruction."...just out and out setting the stage for preordained retribution...for doing the right thing, that should have been done to begin with. just imagine how outraged they would be if we ever asked for something THE LAST EIGHT FUCKING PRESIDENTS DID NOT DO BECAUSE ITS JUST THE RIGHT FUCKING THING TO DO...