Examples of GOP Leadership

What's up w/this Santos dude, wins a 2 yr. term upsetting a NYork Dem seat w/a totally conjured up resume,not fudged a little mind you but a complete fabrication concerning his residences,heritage,education,and employment history. This fraudulent FK still gets to keep his seat,WTF I could be picking up litter in a McDonald's parking lot and be fired on the spot if they discovered I lied on my application,UNBELIEVABLE. Word is the Rep. party knew this and inside jokes about it were circulating among them,and their loaded for bear w/the house takeover to launch investigations,LOL,LOL,LOL, do they have an iota of integrity left?
Scott Perry is in deep shit too, as are others, then there is that guy from NY who lied about everything. Their majority could be whittled down or weighted down by FBI investigations. Trying to harass the FBI using congress, with their personal involvement in matters under investigation, would be a very serious mistake. They only have a 5 or 6 seat majority that could be whittled down over time with indictments and defections. There are criminals among them other than those directly involved with J6, most are crooks at one level or another and lot's will be known when the rats start squealing and dealing.

Scott Perry is in deep shit too, as are others, then there is that guy from NY who lied about everything. Their majority could be whittled down or weighted down by FBI investigations. Trying to harass the FBI using congress, with their personal involvement in matters under investigation, would be a very serious mistake. They only have a 5 or 6 seat majority that could be whittled down over time with indictments and defections. There are criminals among them other than those directly involved with J6, most are crooks at one level or another and lot's will be known when the rats start squealing and dealing.

Margory Taylor Green,there are people not blessed w/good looks but their beauty inside still gives them a glow,on the other hand IMO she is ugly to begin with and it's further multiplied by her inner ugliness,she's just plain nasty and disgusting,a vile witch who is now a prominent House member.
Mitch versus the magats, like watching a couple of scorpions fight in a jar! :lol: Mitch has a couple of secret weapons, called Joe and Jack... Some in the GOP had their heads shovel a bit too far up Trump's ass and might go down with him.

What's up w/this Santos dude, wins a 2 yr. term upsetting a NYork Dem seat w/a totally conjured up resume,not fudged a little mind you but a complete fabrication concerning his residences,heritage,education,and employment history. This fraudulent FK still gets to keep his seat,WTF I could be picking up litter in a McDonald's parking lot and be fired on the spot if they discovered I lied on my application,UNBELIEVABLE. Word is the Rep. party knew this and inside jokes about it were circulating among them,and their loaded for bear w/the house takeover to launch investigations,LOL,LOL,LOL, do they have an iota of integrity left?
he will be a useless impotent drag on the party...which is just fine with me. let them saddle themselves with a known liar, they seem to be pretty comfortable with that already
Mitch versus the magats, like watching a couple of scorpions fight in a jar! :lol: Mitch has a couple of secret weapons, called Joe and Jack... Some in the GOP had their heads shovel a bit too far up Trump's ass and might go down with him.

that's just gop infighting...they're two parties now, and cannot cooperate with each other. it would be best for the real republicans to just go ahead and expell greene, boebert, jordan, biggs, et al. from the republican party. see how they do as independents with no republican funding, no republican re-election machine to rely on. let them form a magat party and see how popular that is outside their little hardcore sideshow...
that's just gop infighting...they're two parties now, and cannot cooperate with each other. it would be best for the real republicans to just go ahead and expell greene, boebert, jordan, biggs, et al. from the republican party. see how they do as independents with no republican funding, no republican re-election machine to rely on. let them form a magat party and see how popular that is outside their little hardcore sideshow...
Wait until Donald goes down and indictments start to drop for others, what Mitch does depends on what Mark does and there are a lot of republicans sweating about Mark right about now. Mitch is patient and will sit back and watch the DOJ take them down and when the moment is right, he will strike and when he does, it will bring the rest of them in line pretty quick. I figure indictments over J6 will sober many of them up, especially if Mark gets a sweet deal, and not for Trump's ass either, they don't need him for the documents case. Mark will make them sweat far more than Trump and Mark could be looking at dying in prison if he doesn't cut a deal for a lot of people, it's all or nothing for a deal from Jack. Mark will be facing serious state charges in Georgia too, conspiracy charges. If he were to testify there, it would be on TV and worth a deal for sure, so maybe they are working things out for King Rat, including witness protection in northern Canada!
that's just gop infighting...they're two parties now, and cannot cooperate with each other. it would be best for the real republicans to just go ahead and expell greene, boebert, jordan, biggs, et al. from the republican party. see how they do as independents with no republican funding, no republican re-election machine to rely on. let them form a magat party and see how popular that is outside their little hardcore sideshow...
I think Jack means trouble for more than Trump and his cronies, his J6 investigation will lead into the congress too. Personally, I think if he can nail these assholes in congress he will and will go wherever the evidence and rats lead him. I think they need to worry, because a lot of people were doing a lot of crime and were sloppy and most would stab each other in the back to get a reduced sentence, there will be no shortage of rats. Most might go down for destroying evidence, or attempting to, the coverup might get more than the crime.