Examples of GOP Leadership

This is why people like myself are not voting for ignorant Democrats. You keep grouping illegal aliens with people who immigrated properly. Keep abandoning legal citizens and support illegal aliens. Its gonna work out great for you
This DOES NOT clarify the statements of yours I found unclear/confusing; thanks for the boilerplate bounce-back, I guess - ‘unclear and confusing’ it is. You sound perfectly ignorant of our current political realities. Welcome to the USA, fellow citizen: don’t be too quick to choose sides
you have to have a soul before you can search it...that leaves 99% of republicans out.
the few that might have at least a vestige of a soul are either leaving the party, or being expelled by it...
Trump keeps their souls in his safe at Mar A logo and wipes his ass with them regularly. :lol:
Trump keeps their souls in his safe at Mar A logo and wipes his ass with them regularly. :lol:
i doubt that, i think most of them lost their souls long before they got involved with trump...i'd say dick cheney and carl rove both have a closet full of jars with republican souls in them...little teeny, tiny, black jars...
Well … have a look at Don Dumb Jr.
Thought he would stir up the right with a lame chuckle on Halloween. I had a suggestion but need to be MOD friendly :mrgreen: ( wink wink )

You must be civil and measured in your response to fascist assholes, even when they are trying to murder America with a hammer! They don't last long here lately, so I guess we don't have to be so harsh with some of them. Picking on the mentally ill or handicapped is just wrong and most of the Trumpers I've seen here fit into those categories. It is not legal to shit yourself in public, but the socks do it here all the time.